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  1. No replies so will check tmf. Tks. Tom
  2. Hello all, my friend just completed his annual on his F model and now needs a CFI in Albuquerque or Belen area for his BFR. Mooney is hangared at KBRG in Belen. Please provide referrals. Tks. Tom
  3. Some options for the new owner, if and when that happens...Time well spent !
  4. I think for what I need a 182 is the best option. There are some descent ones in the 50-60k range, insurance $500-600 annually, low cost to operate & maintain. Biggest hurdle could be selling the Mooney as there are a lot of aircraft on the market. A trade would make the process much simpler. Tks. Tom
  5. Thanks Ross. In addition to the load difference which is as much as 300lbs with the 182 stc increasing the 182 max weight from 2950 to 3100, but also less risk landing on more primitive strips with prop clearance and retract vs fixed gear. Are you referring to the cockpit as wider in a mooney. That would surprise me so will look at the POH in both. Thanks again. Tom
  6. Thanks, nice paint and new glass make it really classy, then add the overall performance and you have a nice aircraft your proud to own. I hate to see it go. Tom
  7. Folks, also should mention my Mooney had a gear up landing in 1980, professionally repaired to Mooney spec's. Tks. Tom
  8. Most of my hours are in a 182 which I know the best, very insurance friendly so would prefer a 182. Thanks
  9. Hello Mooniacs, I've decided to sell my Mooney and go back to a C182 to better meet my flying requirements. Often when we have company one adult stays behind due to weight limitations, density altitude, space, etc. Also Most of the volunteer flying I do requires more utility, space, etc. If I could afford both, that would be ideal as I love flying the Mooney and we have family in Col Springs and Elko, NV and getting there fast and cheap is nice. I created an album labeled Patriot Mooney with the details. I will be including better panel pictures soon. If anyone knows of a clean 182 for sale between $50-$65k, let me know. A partial trade would be nice. Also suggestion on best forums to advertise would be appreciated. Tks. Tom
  10. Tmarsha

    Patriot Mooney

    67 M20F Photos
  11. I appreciate everyone taking the time to provide your thoughts, experiences which is helpful. I do know an attorney and will send him a note requesting his recommendation. He is a non-active pilot so may be up to date on the details in Arizona. I will be sure to post what I learn. Thanks again. Tom
  12. Thanks. I will look for the other threads as I haven't seen them since joining a couple years back. One thought is if I perish in an accident, my wife (our trust) could not lose everything if sued ?
  13. Interested in the Pros and Cons about putting our Mooney in an LLC or leave in our living trust. I haven't done the research but my understanding is to protect your personal assets, an LLC is a good option. Your feedback is appreciated. Tom
  14. Hello, in the process of installing an Airwolf remote oil filter kit, I was taking loose the Vernatherm housing and the valve dropped out of the housing along with 6 washers. Not sure why it dropped out and why the washers? My mechanic had another one that we put in however the seat looked like it had some wear. I have the 2nd oil cooler STC not sure if that has any relation to this. I couldn't tell what holds the valve in the housing. I was looking at new ones and they want $200-$300 ouch. Getting ready to go fire it up to check for leaks. Any feedback is appreciated. Tom
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