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Everything posted by CDF219

  1. I wanted to put the mooney on my prop, my 12 year old daughter said to do it. I did, I kinda like it. I have never seen this on a prop before. Maybe I will start a trend. I painted these on, I wouldnt trust a decal. What are your thoughts? Roast me if you want to.
  2. Thank you all. For those that had them done, they look amazing. Who did them and at what cost?
  3. Its in annual now and no mention of that AD
  4. I have a 66E and I have redone entire interior, Last thing is the yokes. How do you get these things off? I see the set screw and the bolt that goes through top to bottom. Any suggestions? thank you in advance.
  5. I did not do the vents they were too brittle and thought Id damage them and then be SOL....
  8. I just got back some pictures from my bird. I had Scotty at Precision Avionics in Griffin Ga. to do this for me. Since last pictures I added the EDM 900 and the PS8000BT audio unit as well as the I pad Doc for my Mini I use with FLY Q. I like it, I have waited 2 years to see this come together and I cant wait to pick it up now. Chris Ford
  9. As always I knew who to ask. Thank You all.
  10. Yes I lean while on ground and only 10 hours out of annual where plugs were good. It was a little concerning being the first time it has happened. I appreciate the info. Is this something that is just going to happen from time to time during hot starts? Is there any better way to avoid this happening?
  11. YES -- I searched this before posting and didnt find any threads on it so here goes. Sunday I took a stroll up to Knoxville downtown Island, I have to tell ya if you have not flown into there its worth the trip. So a quick turn and upon restarting after fueling the engine was missing sounded like it was backfiring maybe on one cylinder a little. I did a run up and mag check and all was ok no missing and built manifold pressure just fine. While I was waiting to depart it was still missing a little so I took the runway with an abort plan in mind if it did not build power of if it were to start busting up, nothing I built power and full manifold pressure and max rpms climbed out no problems and kept an eye on things staying within glide to the airport for a few mins. My flight back to Kennesaw Ga (KRYY) was uneventful and I made a quick drop in Jasper Ga to drop a passenger but never shut down, even there while at idle (1000 rpms) it was just as smooth as it always is. Im hoping it was just because I started it while the engine was laready hot. I have the 1966 M20E IO-360-A1A I used the Dave Magee hot start he showed me when I bought the plane Dont touch anything start with Idle all the way out then add mixture when it fires. Thoughts?
  12. Living here it Atlanta there are cell towers going up all over and I think my obs/ter data is older than yours. Im in maybe if we could get 4 people it would be worth while. Chris
  13. Chuck , Id be interested. I was thinking about the same thing, my local avionics shop does not have one I considered buying one and use it then sell it to them for 25.00 less what I paid. Question is will it work on your 530 and my 430 WAAS.
  14. Watch "N5986Q nav strobe lighting at night" on YouTube "N5986Q new navigation strobe lighting" on YouTube It was a 15 min install and a 337 from my A&P. Worth the money on our older birds. I got a compliment from the control tower when I landed about how bright the plane is. Wheelen landing light and beacon and now Navstrobe position and tail. let me know what you think. installed mine and I love them.
  15. Chris Ford I have the amazing 1966 M20E and I have posted here before and might I say thank you for the valuable information from you all. I am a small business owner in Atlanta Ga. Im always looking to connect with any and all of you. I would like nothing more than to have a circle of friends with Moonies to hang out with and fly to wherever we want to. Im at KRYY and almost always available to go fly. PM me if your in my area even just to link up to say hello. Drop in and have some of out $6.67 avgas...(ouch) I bought her in march of 2013 and have a little over 100 hours on her since.
  16. Just a quick inquiry guys. Can I paint the fiberglass antenna on top of my 66E? The plane shines nice I keep her clean and waxed but the antenna on top is oxidized and when it has rained it leaves the chalky lines where it has washed the oxidation down the side of the aircraft. Unlike my gps antenna that says do not paint, I just wanted to ask your opinions.
  17. I like the info (thank you to all) I will probably try the blow dryer first then the propane heater. I have to be careful as there is no electricity near and I will have to run off a converter from my truck.
  18. new battery in march // gill / starter not sure but not the good one
  19. Hey guys thank you. I have some things to think about. I dont want to burn it down and its only a few days a year I will need It im think ing the propane heater is looking good with some furnace tubing from the depot. that should work. I did prime a little longer and it would only turn about one revolution then stop then a quarter and then stop...... it was sad but I turned it to the sun and a hour and a half later no problem. thank you again guys for the info. Chris
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