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Everything posted by brianwsparks

  1. The cams on the lower portion are what I need. They look like the same size as on the upper part of the cowling. Here are the best sites I've found nut I don't have a part number http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/hapages/camloc2700.php?clickkey=4199 http://www.skybolt.com
  2. Anybody got the part number for the screws and cambolts for the engine cowling on a M20R? Thanks! Brian Sparks
  3. Robotow works great. Got one off Ebay in new condition for $400 bucks at a steal
  4. http://www.pilotmall.com/product/iPro-Navigator/new-products?r=PilotMallNews_05-24-2013
  5. brianwsparks


    Home Base Pics
  6. From the album: KDTN

  7. I currently use he ipad mini RAM roller mount on the yoke of a M20R...works perfect. This is def a step up from the previous universal mount that preceded the roller mount. I recently order the new "iPro Navigator" from pilot mall. This attaches to the RAM ball system or you can buy it as an entire assembly from scratch. It's currently back ordered. It has a clipboard that overlays the ipad mini. I'll review it when I get it in but it looks great. Additionally, I wouldn't trade the mini for a full-size ipad ever! http://www.pilotmall.com/product/iPro-Navigator/new-products?r=PilotMallNews_05-24-2013 Brian Sparks 1009M / M20R KDTN Shreveport, LA
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