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  1. Goodbye my baby, thanks for the memories over the last 6 years, I'll never forget!
  2. thought I would post some pics of my C taken this morning. Other than the corrosion around the spar and spar cap. The plane is just coming out of annual where all new hoses were installed and some exhaust clamps. The engine has only approx 450 hr on it (2000 TBO) and the plane itself is around 3600TT. Since I'm moving about 1300 miles away in 36 hours, I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to fuss with parting this out..it will be too far away and I travel too much. I'll listen to what members have to say.
  3. While I wait on word from Mooney on what their determination is on this spar corrosion issue and what to do next: I have a nice plane with about 450 hr on it (2000TBO) new engine hoses installed in Jan 13' (done during annual) a panel that includes G430 and about 3600 hrTT on this plane..it is a 1963 M20C (converted to a D) serial number 104....anyone know of anyone interested in this for a really good price? I'm guessing this engine value at about $8K and the G430 about $3500 or so....not to mention the remainder of the plane (other than the spar issue) that is in good shape. I'll put together a list of exactly what this plane has it in and post. Anyone with any interest can contact me via email: lfisher@espec.com - thanks again to everyone who commented over the last few days, your help was invaluable.
  4. While I wait on word from Mooney on what their determination is on this spar corrosion issue and what to do next: I have a nice plane with about 450 hr on it (2000TBO) new engine hoses installed in Jan 13' (done during annual) a panel that includes G430 and about 3600 hrTT on this plane..it is a 1963 M20C (converted to a D) serial number 104....anyone know of anyone interested in this for a really good price? I'm guessing this engine value at about $8K and the G430 about $3500 or so....not to mention the remainder of the plane (other than the spar issue) that is in good shape. I'll put together a list of exactly what this plane has it in and post. Anyone with any interest can contact me via email: lfisher@espec.com - thanks again to everyone who commented over the last few days, your help was invaluable.
  5. you refer to "jerry" can you tell me more about how to reach jerry, thanks
  6. thank you hank, really great info. I hope I can keep my plane in the air, one of the great joys
  7. not sure where this international destination came from but this is a michigan based plane and will remain so - thanks for your input anyway...much appreciated.
  8. Here are two of the pics coming from my A&P - any feedback would be appreciated.
  9. thanks everyone, I appreciate your input. if I can figure out how to post pictures here, I'll have two pics of the corrosion for everyone's perusal.
  10. Thanks Sabremech - Yes, I have pics but they are at the AP offices. I've done a bit of research and seen some photos of some really bad corrosion and my issue doesn't look anywhere near the extreme of what I've seen on the net but I'm not in a position to make that call. I'll gather them tomorrow and post them...thanks again, I appreciate your assistance.
  11. Hello Mooneyspace members, as a new registered member, I'm looking for a little help from more knowledgeable mooney owners about my options in relation to my newly found issue relating to excessive corrosion around the spar. I've owned my "C" model for about 4-5 years and have relied on a local AP to provide service and keep me out of trouble when it came to catastrophic issues regarding this plane. After I bought out the FBO owner (and co-owner) of this plane, an inspection was done indicating no non-repairable issues relating to corrosion. After a slight weep in one of the tanks (which was repaired by my AP about 1 year ago) it was weeping again and had another AP perform the annual AND fix this weep. When the corrosion was discovered on the spar. I simply don't have the funds to repair what will amount to nearly full value of the plane in spar/wing repairs. I guess I can sell parts off the plane but this would amount to basically giving up on flying and I love it too much to do this. I have a wonderful engine with about 450 hr (2000 TBO) and re-configured the panel and added a G430. Is it better to just purchase different wings? repair the spar? or just part out and call it a learning experience....anyone know of a place who buys plane for parts? I appreciate any assistance from this knowledgeable group - thanks.
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