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Everything posted by captd

  1. Hi all, We're planning on taking the airplane, a 66' M20E, from Idaho to Cape Cod this June - me, my wife, our 6-month-old boy, and our small dog. My wife is also a pilot and up for the adventure. I've flown the airplane back to the east coast several times, though never with an infant. I could use any advice you might be willing to give. We're planning on taking a 2-3 days to do it and making the legs no longer than a few hours each. Some say flying with a baby is fine, others say you need to wait until they're older. I don't plan on flying higher than around 7,000 - 8,000 feet, so assuming he's not congested, I don't anticipate any issues. He's flow in airliners several times already. As far as noise, he's got my genes and has a large noggin, so will be wearing a small headset that seems to fit him comfortably. Are we crazy for even thinking about flying that much (16 hours) in a few days with a small child? Obviously, we're planning on doing some 'trial runs' before then to make sure we're all comfortable with the whole thing. Have you done anything like this before? If so, any advice you have would be appreciated.
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