New member here. I plan to transition into a Mooney J next month and this thread was exactly what I was looking for. Other than the 1" difference in MP, mikefox and N4352H seemm to be talking the same language - a configuration that produces a comfortable approach configuration without flaps - a preference I have had since my initial instrument training and followed me through flying Bonanzas.
Follow-up question: Like the two of you I live a vectoring speed of 120 but prefer to get to my precision approach speed before glideslope intercept. mikefox, using your numbers, if I reduce MP from 16" to 14" in level flight, will that produce the 100kts, leaving me to simply drop the gear and do nothing else to produce the ILS descent?
Thank you.
Edit: OK, where'd the avatar photo come from? It's definitely mine; have used it on other forums. It's the airport cat at Steamboat Springs sitting on the wing of the Comanche I used to fly. But I did not add it to this forum!