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David White

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  1. Not sure if this is the right forum or not for this, but I've been looking for a nice high quality polo with either the Mooney logo, or a little picture of a mooney on it. Any ideas where I could find one? Dave
  2. I'm not sure which ones are in my Mooney but I don't like them at all. Had to go to Wally World and buy a couple of the mesh sun visors for cars. I don't think they are rosens, I'm going to look at the Rosens for my airplane at SnF this year and maybe upgrade.
  3. That's almost as much as getting the tanks totally resealed.
  4. So basically for an extra 6-7k you can get an extra 36 gallons of gas?
  5. Usually it's just me, if I loaded 100 gallons I would have about 300 pounds left which works just fine. I'm about 160 but that would really limit who I can bring with me.
  6. It only leaks if I fill it up all the way, if I leave it at tabs it doesn't leak. I'm still flying the plane, just can't take full fuel. I talked with another guy who has been flying his Mooney for a number of years like that, but I want to be able to fill it up all the way. If you fill the left tank up all the way it will dump about the first 5 gallons on the ground.
  7. If you are asking how much money, I've never seen a number posted. I'll get a lot more serious about it if Don Maxwell isn't able to fix it.
  8. I read somewhere that it gives me 100 gallons useable, haven't done too much research though.
  9. I made the same jump, iPad 1 to a Mini and couldn't be happier. I picked up Stratus at the same time, it's pretty cool.
  10. QFT, I had the DG in my 172 replaced and one of the vacuum hoses behind the panel hadn't been stowed properly and was binding on the yolk preventing no more than neutral aft elevator travel. Thank god for run-ups. It wasn't a ma and pa shop either, it was a very well known shop at a Class C airport.
  11. That actually may be a decision maker for me, because that was one of the first things I've done to the airplane. Sometime mid December my panel is getting pimpified with a 530/430/340/330 stack and a JPI. I did talk with Don Maxwell and he said that for $650 he would take at least 2 tries to get the leak fixed. I'm going to do that before I spend 7k on a reseal. If I went to Paul Beck is he able to do the long range mod at the same time?
  12. I'm relatively low time (600 hours) and all of my experience is with carburetors, so fuel injectors are new territory for me.
  13. I went flying today. Due to wx it was brief but gave me the information I needed. I can't get it to stay cool ROP. It just won't work. I had it doing 12.5gph at 5500' WOT 2500 RPM and it was still getting very close to redline. When I tried doing LOP I got it down to about 9.0 gph and it was quite smooth, using my egt I figured I was about 25-50 degrees LOP. 10 knot speed penalty though, but I could close the cowl flaps! I'm having my avionics guy quote me a price for a new JPI when I get my work done.
  14. After I owned my 172 for a year I bought a JPI last year at SnF for $1400 with FF, I think I paid $600 to have it installed. I'm getting some avionics work done soon and I'll see if he can order me one.
  15. Awesome advice guys, I'm gonna go do some mooney aviating tomorrow and see if I can figure it out. I do have intentions of installing an engine monitor but I have other costs (see my leaky tank thread) that I want to address before I add one. I'll most likely just wait until SnF and pick one up discounted there.
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