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Scott Aviation


I don't think so

Fuel tank size difference

Hardware inside wing is different

Ask mooney to confirm



the wing probably would bolt to the tubular structure but you would need to measure between the mounting points to be sure. I have mounted a wing from an "F" and a wing from a "J" on my holding fixture. Both wing attach points aligned. The fixture was reverse engineered from a "J" frame. Also check parts book to determine if parts are the same. The biggest issue is conformity to the TCDS, this is the real issue.

What specific damage to the wing?

Send me an e-mail



The wing from the Vintage Mooney's up to present production, believe it or not, is the same wing but for the fuel tank configurations and the wing tips.  If you are interested, I have a very clean wing from a 67 F model available as well.  You can e-mail me at johnabreda@yahoo.com or call me at (617) 877-0025. 


John Breda

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I actually have a letter from Mooney in my files indicating that the wings have been structurally the same.  The steel cage on the newest airplanes have been changed somewhat, but for what you are stating, the E, F, G, J, K have the same wings, with fuel tank differences. 

The F model will have the same fuel tank configuration as the J.

John Breda

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It will bolt up. But it can't be legally used do to the fuel config difference, But if you can get a DER to bless it the it's do able! Here is fact the FED's dot like nor will they do hardly any if any field approvals. The reason a DER is a vital point is that he would do all the necessary calculations, research and so forth and seal the deal with his license, which I don't don't know about some but I don't fool with mine its how I feed my family. Some of this mods are silly and senseless, take the F model and J model for instance. basically same fuselage. The differences  are seriously to get models closer windshield, and cowling, which would entitle different air intake and exhaust I think on the exhaust that is. this isn't something that would make the airplane go down. But to accomplish this the Fed's want you to jump through hoops like a show dog. But seriously blame it on the lawsuits. That's where it all starts!!! Sorry to ramp on so much!!!! My brother in-law is a lawyer I'm sensitive.           

Jerry Pressley


the 67 was a twist wing like the m22 so is not same as other wings. sorry John.

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