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The 1966 M20E as an IFR machine

I own a 1966 M20 E and when I bought the plane five years ago it came IFR certified with pretty much the original panel. Since then, I have added an EI MVP-50 to it, removing most of the original engine gauges and such along with the DME and ADF. The later two removals were in anticipation of a WAAS GPS system, but that has yet to materialize. The original panel included the ADF, but ADF is fast disappearing from US approaches.

As such, I am left with dual VORs, one of which has GS. The original panel came equipped with a marker beacon receiver and an audio panel for switching two radios and the ADF. Since the pilots yoke is equipped with a second-hand precision (Wakmann/Brietling) clock, I will argue that this aircraft was built and sold for IFR flying. Additionally, pitot heat, which some master CFII's will contend is the most important piece of IFR equipment, was included as well as a huge vacuum gauge right in the center of the panel. The PO added a backup vacuum system that runs off the intake manifold.

What puzzles me is why there is so much fuss over the "six-pack" panel. If a guy bought this plane back in '66 and flew it for years IFR with the panel layout as it was, why would redoing the panel now make any difference?

Here is what I have:


The "scan" is very important to the IFR pilot. With this panel, you scan the ASI, AI and DG across the top. Then the TC, Altimeter and VSI along the bottom. You can't miss the vacuum gauge and the VOR/GS is only looked at enroute and during an approach. So, what's the problem with this?


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I imagine it'd only be a problem if you can't stand that the things aren't aligned and people or perhaps if you've have flown IFR on a standard six pack, in which case you could be looking the wrong place for everything when you really needed it.



I think the six-pack thing came about from the FAA since that is what they have in all of their pubs. With the larger panel A/C, it was easy just to lay them out nice and square. I prefer the "wagon-wheel" scan with the AI at the center, which is just what my panel gives me.



I am looking for a couple of items for my M20E Do you happen to have your old ADF (top of cabin) antenna and the mount that attaches to the fuselage above the cock pit? Also, do you hapen to recall what marker beacon receiver and an audio panel was installed in your A/C? Do you still have that laying around?





My ADF antenna is still mounted underneath my Mooney, it's a combined sense and loop unit, a Bendix KING KA-44B .


My audio panel and MB receiver is the one the plane was fitted with in 1965. It's a Pietsch AP-10 switch unit, which is just a set of switches, some relays and diodes. Still works fine. ATC always gives me a Lima Charlie on clarity and reception and with a Bose A20 the unit is state-of-the-art.


My MB receiver is a King KR-20, which is neat because the receiver is actually in the antenna on the AC belly. All that is in the panel are the three lamps and the control switch.

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