I have isolated the static noise on both my radios to the left Magneto i have a surefly on the right and when i run on only the surefly the noise is gone from both radios. ATC says my transmissions are clear on both radios so this is only effecting receiving. Last oil change i swapped all sparkplugs that were on the surefly with the ones on the magneto and the noise is still only with the magneto side. Is there a way short of taking the magneto for an IRAN to see what is causing the noise? This noise has appeared in the last 2 months. I had my magneto IRAN in oct 2021 on my first annual as it was at it’s 500 hour point. It performed flawlessly in the 11 months i had the plane before i IRAN it only because it was at its time for a check. Now less than 230 hours on it and it seems to be the source unless there is something else i can test or check as i do not want to do another IRAN this early and it would be even a bigger bummer if the IRAN did not fix it. I installed new maggie harnesses on both the mag and the surefly in that first annual so i would not think it would be the electrical components but yet with a mag check in flight the noise stopped so it’s definitely one of the three or something else I’m overlooking that maybe the mooney hive might know to check?