Guys, as many of you know by now I am currently outside of the country with my Mooney. In Guatemala there are 2 Mooneys (Hopefully 3 soon). So knowledge about how to maintain a mooney is not always available. That is why I post some many questions....Thus here goes another one:
My Mooney has electric flaps. When I put the Flaps in take off position (I know some would say simply don't do it) the flaps have to much play upwards and as soon as I start rolling they move up 5 degress. However when I put the flaps down to full flaps they stay in place. I asked my local mechanic (not a mooney expert) to look into it he said that everything looked OK. When I use the flaps for landing they stay in place (I guess because of the airflow)> . As you can imagine I don't think that this is right.
Thank you for any advice you can give me!!!