So I had an STEC-30 installed about a year ago - it worked perfectly, and I loved it. I then had my plane treated with ACF-50 a few months ago. Last weekend my altitude hold stopped working- the Alt hold light comes on when I try to engage it, but it does nothing - i.e. no trim alarms etc. So I took it to the avionics shop today. They said that they found a ton of gunk inside the elevator servo that looked like the anti-corrosion material settling out into it. I feel like I'm being punished for trying to take care of my plane. My avionics shop spent hours removing and cleaning up the servo and got it working again. On the way home this evening it initially worked fine and then quit working. Again! It seems like they would want to protect such components in the tail when applying the corrosion spray. I'm not going to accuse the well known shop that did the corrosion treatment of anything - nothing good would come of it.
This post is really just a primal scream to help me cope with the vicissitudes of aircraft ownership. Of course I'm call the avionics shop again in the am.
However I am also curious if anyone has had similar experiences and/or ideas on how to resolve the issue.