In January I went to fill my Bravo with TKS and as I started to pour it into the fill port, I noticed that it sounded different...louder and with splashes. After a half gallon or so I could hear something draining under the belly drain....TKS. Crap. So I stopped filling and looked into the fill port and something looked different. I opened the left side panel and could see that the hose and hose clamp that secures it to the fill port had come off. I reattached and secured it and problem fixed. I learned to looked into the fill port from then on and as long as I could see the ribs of the hose then I knew it was still attached. Also, there is a little bit of resistance when opening the fill port door and less if the hose is detached. Well the hose came off again the other day.
I reattached it but wondering if there is something else that I should do to prevent it from happening again...kind of a pain to get in there to reattach, especially when away from my home airport in an unheated hangar in the Michigan UP. Theoretically, TKS could back flow too if the hose dipped below the tank level?