Hi all-
We're about to do a G5 HSI install, keeping an existing Attitude Indicator and the vacuum system that drives a century autopilot.
I was looking at the vacuum setup and noticed that the vacuum suction gauge comes off a second AN port on the DG. The attitude indicator lacks a similar additional port.
I'm gathering accouterments for this part of the installation. I'm thinking the most simple acceptable way to do this is to measure the suction from the line on the vacuum regulator by using a barb reducer hose adapter from 3/8 ID to 1/4 ID and then capping the second orifice on the instrument air filter.
Before I have a discussion with my IA - this sound about right? Picture below to illustrate what I'm talking about. My SN seems to not be well illustrated in the parts catalog - otherwise I'd use that instead of a hand-drawn picture. But... whatever works.
Thanks for the advice -Brad
Edit: Brain fart removal.