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  1. Cherry Ride Airport Diner - http://www.cherryridgeairportrestaura... Sky Acres Airport - https://www.skyacresairport.com/ Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Fun day of flying! Kevin and I were at Cherry Ridge Airport N30 to meet up with Joe and had some good lunch at Cherry Ridge Airport Diner! Always great food and staff! Thanks for Flying Along! We then took a flight to Sky Acres Airport (44N) If you would like to help support PilotFun101 check out our website HERE at https://pilotfun101.com/ Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) E-mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. #MooneyM20C #PilotFun101 #ADSB
  2. I have a couple of questions for anyone that has Skyradar and use it with WingX. I just got the Skyradar DX Dual band receiver with the AHRS. I am using it for backup weather, traffic and attitude indicator. I already have an MX-20 with a GNS 480 and I get traffic and XM weather on those instruments. I used the Skyradar for the first time today and it appeared to work very well for traffic, weather and with the AHRS. I compared it to my current, attitude, traffic and weather on the MX-20 and 480 and it was pretty much the same except for a few minor differences and that was my question. I noticed that the traffic was a little different between what I saw on WingX, what I saw on the Radenna Skyradar software and what I saw on my MX-20.. Not a lot of difference but there was some. Does anyone know what causes that? Is there a distinction as to how the programs pick up the dual ADS traffic bands and then display them in WingX and the Radenna Skyradar software? As I was flying and using the Skyradar with the WingX it showed an aircraft at my position and altitude that did not show up on my mx-20. I made a turn to check for traffic and noticed that the WingX traffic icon turned with me. That's when I figured out that WingX was showing my plane as the traffic in addition to the WingX icon showing my position. Has anyone had this happen to them? Why would WingX show my plane as traffic on the ADS-B traffic system? I have a GTX-330 transponder with mode S installed. In addition to supplying TIS traffic to my mx-20, 480 and 430, I read in my manual that it transmits a coded response at 1090 MHz, the same frequency that is picked up by the Skyradar receiver. Is it possible I am receiving ABS-B traffic of my plane sent back from the ground stations because of the signal sent out by the GTX 330? On another note, does anyone know what happens when you turn on the "Filter ADS-B Traffic" in the settings section of WingX? Does it filter out the traffic or filter out traffic at certain distances. Thanks.
  3. I'm selling this Zaon MRX traffic detector which has served me well in two different planes. It detects transponder pings off other aircraft so it works to detect any plane that has an active transponder. Included are all the original equipment as well as the optional external antenna which mounts with suction cups to a window. This greatly improves the range of the device. There is one listed on e-Bay right now with real bids going to $256. Before I try that route, I'll give anyone on Mooneyspace a chance to get it for $200 plus shipping. Let me know if you're interested. Thanks! Jeff
  4. I know there have been a series of threads and posts on portable ADSB solutions. I have read through them and when I thought I had gotten to a "moment of truth", I realized I was still not clear on all the options available. And I am sure, there are others like me. So, let me start with what I do know (which is not much at this point): P.S. I am only interested in portable solutions... ForeFlight -- you can use either the Appareo Stratus first or second generation to obtain ADSB Weather and Traffic. The difference between the two generation antennae is explained on their website as: How does the second generation Stratus compare to the first generation? Both the first and second generation Stratus are capable ADS-B weather receivers. The second generation Stratus adds a second (1090 MHz) radio for receiving more air-to-air traffic, adds an AHRS to support additional app displays and gives the pilot the ability to remote the GPS antenna to provide for additional mounting options. Summary: ForeFlight ONLY supports the Appareo antennae for ADSB information. No other antennae are compatible. You will only get ALL "reporting" traffic if you have some ADSB out device on your plane to make this happen. Otherwise, you will only get traffic due to a nearby plane transmitting "out" and you pick up the reply. Is my understanding correct? Garmin Pilot -- you can only use one supported provider of the antennae the Garmin GDL-39. Here is the description from Garmin: Receives subscription-free weather Acquires ADS-B traffic targets Wireless Bluetooth™ connectivity Built-in WAAS GPS receiver Integrates with Garmin Pilot app and Garmin aviation portables Summary: Like ForeFlight, you can only use one antennae with their Garmin Pilot app. No other device will work. You will only get ALL "reporting" traffic if you have some ADSB out device on your plane to make this happen. Otherwise, you will only get traffic due to a nearby plane transmitting "out" and you pick up the reply. Is my understanding correct? WingX --this is where things get interesting and where I need your help understanding options. It appears Hilton has an open hierarchy philosophy and allows for multiple antennae with a variety of capabilities. It is also clear that Appareo and Garmin antenna offerings are NOT compatible. Here is what they present on their website: http://hiltonsoftware.com/ADS-B-Receivers.pdf?x=1 In a nutshell: XGPS180 (Dual) gives you 978 XPLORER (FreeFlight Systems) gives you 978 iLevil SW (Levil Technologies) gives you 978 & AHRS iLevil AW (Levil Technologies) gives you 978 & AHRS & pressure sensors (targeted for home built community) SkyRadar-L (Radenna LLC) gives you 978 SkyRadar-D2 (Radenna LLC) gives you 978 & 1090 Clarity (Sagetech Corp) gives you 978 & 1090 Clarity SV (Sagetech Corp) gives you 978 & 1090 & AHRS 978UAT (SkyGuardTWX) gives you 978 978UAT Dual (SkyGuardTWX) gives you 978 & 1090 MX1090 – left off because it doesn’t give you 978 Summary: Unlike ForeFlight Garmin Pilot, you can use a bunch of different antennae with their app. You will only get ALL "reporting" traffic if you have some ADSB out device on your plane to make this happen. Otherwise, you will only get traffic due to a nearby plane transmitting "out" and you pick up the reply. If you purchase an AHRS unit, you may also use this in WingX for a portable attitude indicator. Is my understanding correct? I know there are other apps like MyWingMan, but I concentrated on what I consider the "big 3". I have come to the conclusion that I will wait a year or two for the panel mounted hardware situation to settle out. Both Garmin & Aspen have panel mounted ADSB solutions, but I am convinced that better and cheaper solutions will enter the market. At least, I hope so. So here I stand, money in hand, looking for a viable portable ADSB solution. Spend my money for me… I do not have an ADSB out device in my plane. I can switch apps; I current have ForeFlight & Garmin Pilot loaded up I use an iPad 2, iPhone 5 and a Nexus 7 What I want is: An app that allows me to get weather uploaded to one or more of these devices Can see traffic regardless of whether or not I have an airplane near me spewing an “out” signal Can take advantage of the Xavion I just bought (Thanks Jim) An app that is easy to use
  5. 252BH is scheduled for TKS installation at Airnet in late January, and thought I'd take advantage of the downtime to do some avionics upgrades. With this large of a spend, I've thought pretty hard about what I should do and where I want to end up next year. I'm looking for comments/suggestions/feedback in the event I'm missing anything obvious. And while it sounds a little ridiculous to say this, given the list of equipment below, I'm looking to spend no more than I must. I use the plane every week to fly 500-1000 nm to client sites all over the east and midwest. Being able to get through, over, or around as much weather as possible is important. And ability to handle any type of airspace from rural Missouri to busy east coast is also key. I had my doubts about putting so much money into the plane, thought about going to a TKS Bravo, or Ovation 2 or 3. But when I think about the hassle of the transaction, etc... So here is the plan: 1. Add FIKI TKS 2. Replace the KMA-24 with remote audio panel GMA 35. 3. Add Garmin GTN 750 over top of the GNS 430. I thought hard about the 650 instead of the 750, but decided to go with the 750 for the WX, traffic, and chart displays. 4. Slide the GNS 430 down in place of the KX165 as 2nd GPS/NAV/COM. It's non-WAAS so I don't get crossfill with the 750. I dunno about that, but I consider it a non-necessity for now (unlike everything else on the list!). I'm really hoping both the 750 and 430 will fit in that space, over top of the KAP150. 5. Replace the KT-76A with a GTX 330ES - the 252 likes the flight levels so I'll need the squitter, and I don't want the remote -33ES in case the 750 takes the day off. With this in place, I'll be 100% ADS-B compliant. 6. Add a GTS 800 with traffic display on the 750. Maybe I'll add a GDL88 later, but until more folks are transmitting ADS-B out, the 330ES with GTS800 should provide a more complete traffic picture -- correct? 7. Add a GDL69a for Wx display on the 750. I'm replacing my yoke-mount Aera 796 as my weather solution and looking forward to XM radio in the plane (ok, the "a" is an indulgence) 8. Upgrade the JPI 700 to JPI 830 since I can barely see the 700. I wanted %HP and the constant display rather than a scan, and by the time I added all the necessary probes to a 730 I was in 830 territory price-wise. Be nice to get alerts on all the engine parameters including oil, also. I'm planning to add a G500 with a GAD43e interface to the KAP150, but it's already a big chunk of change so I'll let that wait. Airnet is going to prewire for it though, while everything is apart. Here are the doubts: a. Am I nuts, spending this much money on a 27 year-old aircraft? b. Am I losing any vital functionality or serious convenience by not WAASing the 430? c. Will the 330ES and GTS800 get me the best traffic picture I can get for the money, today? Am I giving up anything right now by not installing the GDL88? d. While it's down, anything else I should attend to? e. Boy the G500 would sure be nice... (TIM: don't go there)
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