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I used the Redbird full motion simulator the other day to do IFR currency and decided to try it again for emergency procedures and it was absolutely fantastic, I would highly reccommend it for all of us. On setup, I used the Seneca panel which flew with very similar stall speeds and performance characteristics that my Mooney does. Practiced engine fires, brake failures, strong crosswind landings and takeoffs, AND.. what I really wanted to do was practice the impossible turn. (engine failure on takeoff with return to runway environment). After being taught the procedure, found that I could pretty much do this every time at 600 feet agl, 500 ft maybe. I know with our Mooney stall speed and spin characteristics, this is an important consideration, and I would like to practice this in my actual airplane (with assistance from someone like Don Kaye who I havent asked yet) but at least knowing the procedure, which I hope I never have to use I think is helpful and I would highly reccommend. Great experience and knowledge gain!
This post ties to the AOPA thread. All the points made about membership value are valid but if it hadn't been for a training video I might not be able to tell the tale. I think the re enactment videos are very helpful. As with most pilots in training if you have a loss of power on take off look straight ahead or a little left or right for the best place to do an off field landing. Sadly my home base there are no good options out there. A couple of years ago my wife and I were departing for breakfast in our c150 (no mooney yet) and we were at about 200ft AGL on departure when I lost a cylinder. The engine was running but I had to pull power to keep it from vibrating itself to bits. I remembered the Re enactment of the guy in a MOONEY that was able to make the impossible turn so I pushed the nose over and started to make my reverse turn. The engine was still making some power but. The best I could manage was about minus 100ft per min. Long story. We made it and landed safely on the runway. If it had not been for the AOPA training I would not have had such a good result Cause was a stuck valve.