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kommers last won the day on December 15 2023

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About kommers

  • Birthday 12/18/1963

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    Atlanta GA
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  1. yes, but it is a piece of rather cheap plastic that imitates wood. I was thinking many times of removing it, but as of now, it is still the face of my instrument panel
  2. Ha! This picture was taken in 2016 when I bought the plane. Since then wings started peeling, hood lost some paint chunks as well. Since I am not young and I will see just one repainting of my Mooney in my lifetime, I decided to paint her now rather than wait for another 2-3 years as my mechanic suggested, because soon repainting job will be astronomically expensive, it is certainly headed that way...
  3. It was LONG. I scheduled painting in July for the end of August. I delivered the plane to them on Aug 20 and, as it turned out, they were in process of losing their shop manager and hiring another one, so plane was sitting in their shop for a good month. They actually started in the first decade of October and finished a month later. Total what I paid, including taxes, some OSHA hazard crap, vinyl cutouts, etc was around 25K. Plus, I paid around $1000 for the painting scheme to the third party. So, my conclusions were: 1. The actual job is about 1 month 2. Prepare to pay for the vinyl cutouts that will not be in the main quote 3. Hire someone to do the scheme. 4. Deliver plane to them on nearly empty tanks because they will drain all gas from the wings before painting and you will never see your unused gas again.
  4. thank you for advice, I'll look. The guy who dod the job has over 30 years of experience so I hope he didn't goof up
  5. Griffin, GA. Advanced Aircraft Refinishers
  6. Before... After...
  7. No, my mechanic didn't recommend this option
  8. My 1978 Money 20J is in the paintshop for the fresh paint. Their mechanic examined my bird and found that flaps hinge covers are all but destroyed and need to be replaced. Lasar supposedly had it but I received a message from paintshop that they have problems finding covers. Aside from poking through junkyard material, does anyone have any suggestions where these covers can be obtained? Thank you in advance
  9. I would never fly Frontier Besides, a round trip to Tampa in my case is $11.20 since I am usually flying on award tickets. However, because I cannot offcially fly IFR due to lack of certification, I won't be able to guess a VFR day in advance to buy my tickets
  10. I am based in LZU as well. Since a few members mentioned Calhoun, I am flying there next week to discuss painiting. As to the airplane tickets, all domestic tickets cost me less than $6 one way because I have tons of miles so it is not a an airfare that bothers me, but the fact that I don't have IFR certification which makes planning long distance harder, especially if you have a fixed date airplane ticket and it is pouring outside
  11. I want to put fresh paint on my M20J, but the only good shop that was recommended to me was in Tampa, Fl. I don't want to buy airline ticket from and then to Tampa so I am hoping to find something in Georgia, or possibly Tenn, SC, AL or NC as long as it is less than 4 hrs drive time from Atlanta. Thank you all in advance!
  12. typically, the limit switches or the motor itself. I had this issue for about two years in my 1978, my mechanic kept cleaning the switches, but after a few flights, flaps would not retract or extend, or both. Finally, he replaced the flap motor and this was the solution
  13. Ventilation system? You mean these huge round plastic grills? When I was replacing my headliner, I got rid of the grills as well by replacing them with bullseye vent system. Plane Plastics didn't have anything for me to accommodate the grills either, so replacing grills with bullseyes was the only choice - and the right one because old grills were awful anyways. By the way, Plane Plastics used to have bullseye vents in stock so I bought both headliner parts and the new vents from them. I think addition of bullseyes added about quarter of AMU to my bill, but that investment was worth the price. And for bullseye vents, Plane Plastics had all headliner parts for 1978
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