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Everything posted by FlyTester

  1. I picked up the airplane today. I also got to witness the hub being sealed with the dyed oil instead of grease. According to Hartzell, I have the very first Mooney with the new AD-eliminating service bulletin incorporated. The fix has been installed in a dozen or so Trinidads with fine results.
  2. The airplane I just bought has a full GNC 300XL IFR installation (with a 250XL below). From looking at the manual, it seems like an backwards, uphill learning curve from the 430...but at least it's mine! Any tricks to using it? Do you have the 12v converter for pulling it out of the rack and practicing with it in SIM mode?
  3. I flew the Great Northwest Air Race earlier this year and for the fun of it, did it in the ugliest beater of a 172 (FAC5FX) I could rent. (Think faded paint, torn seats, yellowed plastic and grey duct tape racing numbers!) Of the six 172s in the race, I placed 2nd (missing 1st by .5 kt). I ran "Screaming Tortoise" 50 RPM below redline at 100 deg ROP, started at pattern alt and stayed there knowing I'd have to cross a ridge line near the end. Looking forward to running GNAR 2013 in my M20C (FAC4RG). There were no Mooneys at all in the 2012 race.
  4. Some of the links in particular threads (pointing to older threads) no longer point to the right place. How would I locate the thread this link once pointed to? http://mooneyspace.com/index.cfm?mainaction=post&forumid=2&threadid=1332&postid=36119&postaction=quote&reset=true
  5. Sorry, I prefer PetSmart over Sporty's. A couple of bucks gets me a clucky or quacky squeaky toy. Simply remove the whistle from the toy's posterior and presto, you have a pitot cover! (shown is one I made for a student's 172)
  6. No, that's not quite what I meant. Based on quotes from several sources: 1. Normal OH ~$2000 (retains AD) 2. OH with new SL 273 incorporation: ~$3300 3. OH with B hub added: ~$4500 4. Top Prop ~$8500
  7. I'm the proud, new owner of 1963 M20C, N6578U since yesterday. The prop is of the older Hartzell "non-suffix" hub with the 100 hr recurring AD for an eddy current inspection. During the pre-purchase survey earlier this week at Advanced Aircraft Services, I had expressed interest in having the prop overhauled if I bought the airplane. AAS' neighbors at Western Aircraft Propeller alerted me to a recent Aug 27, 2012 update to Hartzell service bulletin HC-SB-61-269 "Propeller - Hub Inspection." The update is significant in that it adds an FAA-approved alternate means of compliance that effectively eliminates the eddy current inspection requirement WITHOUT a costly upgrade to the B-hub. The service bulletin is updated to include an Optional Terminating Action for the hub inspection by "modification of the propeller hub to the oil-filled configuration in accordance with Hartzell Service Letter HC-SL-61-273." According to SL 273, "Converting the propeller to an oil-filled configuration will provide a method for early detection of a possible crack in the hub. The hub cavity will be filled with oil that contains a red dye. If a crack in the hub occurs, the red dyed oil will provide a visual indication" At ~$3300, the cost of an overhaul and incorporation of SL 273 kit falls about halfway between that of a prop over haul and that of a normal prop overhaul with upgrade to the B-hub. Work on my airplane's prop overhaul and SL 273 incorporation commences next week. Page from HC-SL-61-273.pdf HC-SB-61-269.pdf
  8. Just bought an M20C today. It'll be about 2 weeks before I get to fly it home as I'm having the pre-buy shop (Advance Aircraft Services) do a little work on it.
  9. The new site has some search issues. I discovered these the past 2 days while trying to research the Hartzell "B" hub and window tint colors. 1. Search for the word "hub" and you'll get an error message telling you that words less then 4-characters long are invalid. Accordingly...a search for "propeller hub" returns results only for "propeller" since the word "hub" (being less than 4 characters) is ignored. I think 4-characters is too long. There are plenty of 3-letter words of a technical nature that one might use in a search string. (eg. hub, pin, die, fee, tig, etc) 2. Sometimes the 4-character rule is misapplied and certain words are not-allowed. Apparently the word "color" is not allowed. Searching for "window color" or "paint color" returns results for "window" and "paint" respectively. Simply search for "color" and one is told that the word is not allowed.
  10. I second Henry Weber at KLNS. I just did a pre-buy with them last week. Right off the bat, they spotted a major longstanding airworthiness defect that the seller, seller's shop and seller's logs failed to mention. We halted the inspection immediately. I had just traveled 2300 mi to purchase this airplane and seeing that I'd just been royally screwed by the seller, Henry Weber did not bill me a dime for their time. In addition the management walked me through a slew of things to look out for when visiting other ramps and checking out Mooneys for sale. I can't say enough good things about Henry Weber.
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