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  1. We are pleased to announce B-Kool Version 2.i. This is basically the same internals as our highly successful 2.0 version but cosmetically more enhanced. Pricing remains the same at $369.00 (Oshkosh special pricing) for the 12v versions and $399.00 for the 24v units. This new unit is slightly thinner than the older one and slightly taller. This should help when putting it thru the baggage door of the older M20 series planes. Please contact me direct for the special pricing. Txgroup@aol.com 928-300-4045
  2. Scott more or less summed it up. Use it to tuen on and off as needed. Once at altitude, tuen off,ice quits melting, turn it on for decent, remain kool. We are still honoring the OSH special pricing. Email me at txfroup@aol.com for payment details Bob
  3. One socket, on ground. B-kool. In the air. Gps, with an occasional turning on of the iPad ( I let mine hibernate in flight and use it for charts). Descent b-kool. Again All in fun of course, I did install a remote socket in the baggage area of my plane for the b-kool. Use the remote to turn it on and off? It's fused and wired direct to the battery so I can up run the Kooler during furl turns
  4. If its any help, our cords are almost 12 feet long
  5. Draw for 12 volt units is about 5 amps Half that for the 28 v units
  6. scott we are good? all others interested in the discount, please email me at txgroup@aol.com
  7. Quote: Mazerbase Bob, Looks like a nice unit.
  8. We offer the b-kool which is a result of us not liking the previously available solutions. We have a pre season promo of $349.00 for the 12 v and $379. For the 24v units. We offer a no hassle return policy and a one year warranty. So far with well over 100 shipped, not a single one has been returned. We also offer at no additional charge a wireless remote which allows you to turn off the unit once at cruise altitude which stops the ice melt. If any one is interested, feel free to contact me at txgroup@aol.com, or by calling me at 928-300-4045 More info is available at b-kool.net Bob
  9. I am new to this forum, and had no idea we had support from the Mooney community. Many thanks to all who voted in our local news paper,s poll. It goes to show you how tight knit the aviation community is, no matter what you fly. Bob stephens Sedona, az B-kool.net
  10. It shows registered to an individual in Washington. Thanks bob
  11. I was curious if anyone knew the where abouts of A 1964 M20e N6907U. My father purchased this plane in 1964 as a factory demonstrator and flew it till the early 70s. I put about 200 hours of my first 250 hours on this plane. If the owner is on this list, pm me and I can send you a photo bob stephens Sedona, az b-kool.net
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