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  1. Sounds like you made your decision already but I went through a similar decision path with my Bravo’s engine. I sent it to Victor with suspicion of issues which was confirmed - two cracks on crank, along with a bunch of corrosion on counterweights + cam, worn gears etc. To me it was worth the peace of mind to get their improvements and detail oriented approach vs getting a reman/new. Plus the new/reman were quoted at 22 months lead time hah.
  2. Hi all, I accidentally got two of the vband clamps Mfr Part #: 40D23255-340M. Before I send one back for a refund does anyone here need it?
  3. Awesome thanks for the help!
  4. Both are the ES-4009LS
  5. Hello fellow bravo owners. I’m wondering if someone would help me think through what I believe may be a failed or failing right side alternator. During pre-flight checks I performed my run up and was extra attentive to the electrical side of things as I recently had an avionics upgrade. With both alternators in the on position I see over 28volts and no annunciations. When flicking the left side of the alternator switch off I get an appropriate left annunciation on the panel but also see a low voltage annunciation and my volts drop to around 24. Flicking the right side alternator off I see no further reduction in volts but the right annunciation illuminates. Turning on the left side of the switch with the right remaining off I see an appropriate right only annunciation on the panel but no low volt annunciation and volts again read over 28. This leads me to believe the right side alternator is not contributing, but why then does the annunciation extinguish when the right side of the alternator switch is positioned on? Anyone who has some insight to the switch and annunciator panel wiring is greatly appreciated!
  6. Were you ever able to get your issue resolved/ what did it end up being? Trying to help a friend with a similar issue.
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