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Everything posted by AndyFromCB
Show me where US of A has borrow a single penny in currency it is not able to print and repay on the spot should it desire to do so. There is an old adage, you own a bank one hundred, it's your problem, you own a bank one hundred million, it's the bank's problem. You really think China owns us. The problem with dumb people is they assume everyone is as dumb they are.
Actually, about all you've got since in the entire history of this country, we had a balanced budget 3 or 4 times. We're not the ones grasping at the straws and living in alternate reality. One day, you might, although highly unlikely, pick up a book on economics, and understand the theory of original sin and what makes US and Japan exceptional: we don't have any debt what so ever. We never borrowed a dime, yet. BTW, exceptional is the term borrowed from you. But let me repeat myself. We have no debt. Not one penny.
Serve and protect. Beating up on a 76 year old guy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVNwPD7CPR8#t=57 I think there used to be an adage that a conservative is just a liberal who got mugged but soon enough it might be that a liberal is a conservative who got their shit kicked by the police. This is what happens when you specifically hire below a certain IQ. Did most of you know that scoring too high on an IQ tests more or less disqualifies you from being a cop these days.
I'm sure they all are rolling in hundred dollars bills, and chasing their caviar down with Dom wearing their $300 Air Jordans talking on their Obama iPhones 6, doing what they do best, thuggin with their pants around their ankles proudly displaying their Ralph Lauren underwear living in 4400sqft Section 8 mansions with heated towel racks. BTW, highly recommend heated towel racks and heated bathroom floors. And bidets. SensoWash rocks. It's my new definition of middle class and I propose new Section 8 and FHA regulations to require them in at least one of the 4 minimum bathrooms needed in a home. Because what's better than a warm floor underfoot and that fresh feeling? Knowing that Scott and Bumper paid for it ;-)
Why should we pay $5 a gallon of gas from ND if we can get it from the desert for $2? This part does not compute with me again. How is that supposed to work? Some sort of government regulation prohibiting import/export of crude? Maybe we could stop the war on drugs and change DEA to P(etro)EA. How would that be any different than farm bill propping up farmers? I see, expensive oil good, cheap food bad? Saudi oil sniffing dogs at every airport? How many years in prison per gallon of saudi oil?
I'm not terribly concerned about drugs other than them being illegal. Been there, done that, I like my wine/beer/scotch more. To this day, I still do not recall anyone walking up to me and forcing me to take any ;-) War on drugs is a great example of federal government overreach that now is costing many cash businesses a lot of time and hassles. Ever heard of a crime called "Structuring". Read this, Scott: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/14/us/irs-asset-forfeiture-case-is-dropped-.html?_r=1 or this one, even better http://www.ij.org/long-island-forfeiture As to pedos, I'm pretty positive that the number of them per capita has remained fairly constant as has the number of other deviants. It's just now in the open and probably unlike in the 1960's where a coach/priest would just get moved around from one school to another to another, now, he might get to spend some quality time with bubba.
Everything being manufactured in China is free market capitalism at its finest and you guys appear not to like it one bit. I see that both you and Scott always long for the 1950's, 1960's, 1970's. The good old days of socialism, back when we had currency controls, capital controls, massive federal infrastructure projects, massive amount of regulation controlling everything from phones to airlines, minimum wage equivalent to $22 to an hour and massive federal tax rates to support it all that were paid by smaller portion of the population that pays them now with corporation kicking in 33% of the federal budget instead 17% now. Yeah, the good old days of free market capitalism. You don't like free market capitalism one bit, it scares the living crap out of your because we're slowly going back to what it always brings: Ultra wealthy and majority portion of the population poorer than church mice woking 70 hours a week to barely scrap by. 1940's thru 1980's were a blip.
Laying tile in my new bathroom, fun project. I'll get back to it later on, but no, more money thrown at public schools is not the answer. At least not in Iowa. As Scott can attest to, we already pay thru our nose here in property taxes. $6K a year on $240,000 house. Can't wait to get reevaluated since we did a tear down to studs renovation. Actually, the assessor was here last week. Didn't let her in. Forgot to mention, 7% income tax too. I feel like I pay more than enough, I just don't think Romney does ;-)
I don't know. Most appear to have bought into the whole money == free speech and corporation == person. I'm enjoying this for a moment because it will backfire and backfire immensely when trial lawyers start using both citizens united and hobby lobby case to strip board members and share holders of their corporate limited liability protection. Such is a beauty of common law and precedent.
Not my utopia. In mine, religions of the illiterate desert dwelling goat herders are taught in history classes ;-) And allowed to be freely practiced in private, but policies as to suitability of bacon and shrimp as food stuff is left in the hands of FDA and not based on a 4000 year old, rather confused, poorly written novel. Same with all other government policies. The Lord does not get to dictate liquor policies on Sunday so that more money gets left on the collection plate. Apparently made a mistake of hitting Costco too early in the day today. Jesus will make me drive to the store again before dinner and make me acquire wine at an inflated HyVee price, therefore messing with my ability to grow my wealth. Something about camels and needles I guess?
Conservatives are just as guilty of that as progressives. It's just than the answer is different. Obviously having a large class of criminals is a failure of society starting with family and going all the way up the food chain to federal government policies. Conservative solution is always more Jesus but if that was the solution, south side of Chicago would be the safest neighborhood in US of A. The liberal solution is always that not enough money got thrown at the problem. The answer is complex and lies somewhere in between but it does start at the family level.
What about the one now allowing political contributions in excess of $325K per individual. Because even at the current level of 30 some thousand, the illusion that yours or mine vote counted as much as that of Jamie Dimon's was just that, an illusion. Setting the limit closer to $100 might actually level the playing field where an average American might actually be able to make Grasley listen. But when it's $325K, Jamie, to whom that amount is a total joke, couple hours worth of pay will get whatever derivate regulations Jamie needs.
Joni is a tea party senator-elect from Iowa who runs against big government yet during her entire adult life had collected a paycheck from such. Never worked in private industry, so she brings fresh perspective to the business of governing. Good news is she is a solder so she will do as she is told.
Average net worth is about $8 million. $14 million in the senate, $6.5 in the house. Richest senator is a (D), with a net worth of $250million, poorest a (D) as well, worth $8,500. Richest house member is a ®, net worth approaching half a billion, poorest is somehow $12 million in the hole, also a ®. I want to know how you get $12 million in the hole and meet that man's banker. I could use a loan.
Now we're pretty much in agreement. Crooks, thieves and liars. Starting from the school board up, on both sides of the isle. There are no libs or conservatives there. It's all a good show but when push comes to shove, enough of them always find themselves in agreement. Coincidence? I don't think so.
Foxnews is how I bought my French rocket. Sold my stocks in 2007 when every commercial was about real estate and stock trading. Bought gold. Sold out 3 years later when you could not stumble without glen beck crying about gold. Got back into stocks. Sold out a few months ago when I started seeing amazing opportunities left right again about investing in oil.
No I didn't. But as there are two hanging out on my roof right now cleaning gutters, didn't want to think about it. People working heights makes me shiver. Probably should go out there and see if Angel and his helper want some warm coffee. Edit: In case anyone is wondering, I'm paying $25 an hour, each, for gutter cleaning, so I'm not being one of them hypocritical liberals like the "support seattle $15 an hour" folks who posted a job for web developer at $13 something an hour. In Seattle none the less, where you can't find a web developer worth shit for less than $75 an hour. Can't find one in Omaha for less than $50.
Well, actually, we kind of do since nobody is actually willing to pull the trigger themselves. It has been consistently proven that food stamps are lot cheaper than prisons and yet it somehow makes us feel better to lock them up. Quite frankly, I am very much against the current welfare system as well as current system of student loans, pell grants, etc. Let's take a look at the school funding system. The feds spend $68 billion a year on it. Total annual gross tuition cost at all public universities is $67 billion. We could simply do away with the entire system and just pay the tuition for anyone going to a public university and not offer any support or loans for private schools and still save a billion. As to welfare, same thing. Quit stigmatizing it, quit putting power hungry case workers in charge. Simply offer each and every adult american a check each month, to be spent as they wish. You'd spend yours on avgas, somebody else putting shoes on their kids feet, others would save it and then some would sit around and do nothing, smoking weed and watching TV. Most would still continue to work, just as they do today.
Only thing that consistently sells to a certain portion of the population is fear: Ebola, ISIS, debt (which BTW, we don't have any as long as we've got cotton to print dollars on), homosexuals, atheists, elitists (better educated), commies, canadians, hell, pitchforks, uncle Satan and the list goes on. And there is good money to be made in confirming ones fears. Makes one feel less alone in this world. Shit, there is still a few religions hanging around from the end of the world predictions that did not occur in 1800s. World has been ending for a long, long time. I only fear the fearful. Bands of them have attempted to end the world more than once. Hermann Goring was a great purveyor: “Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or fascist dictorship, or a parliament or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace makers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”