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Everything posted by AndyFromCB

  1. Correct and I need to quit that shit. My apologies. They are in good nature and never come off right in writing. Need to remember we're not sitting around a campfire and you can't see my goofy smile..
  2. We have no moral high ground here. We installed Saddam and propped up the House of Saud and supported countless dictators in the the Middle East. Chickens coming home to roost, that's all. Because we have no moral high ground, and I have no desire to pretend that we do, I would level the entire middle east if I was in charge and not apologize to anyone. But, alas, I am not.
  3. Cause I'm an idiot as Scott can well attest to. Not, I will not go into details, but 100% my fault...
  4. Would have been about $2 billion if we didn't decide to pull out a canon to swat a fly. So I guess 3 to 4 trillion. But once again, really, zero, kept a lot of people in the arms industry employed for a long time. They money just got shuffled around.
  5. I think US should quit funding both Palestinians and Israelis...
  6. We think, big difference. You've yet to demonstrate any use of the great facilities between your ears other than ability to memorize and repeat, verbatim. Here is a quick chart for you, terrorism being 1/20 million. I'm sorry if I don't freak out like you every time someone farts. Maybe I should have been a navy seal. I did after all survive 3 engine outs since 1999.
  7. They can win how? Please explain. Can they, every now and then, harvest .0000000001% of our population, sure, but that's much less than we harvest ourselves annually, with "our freedoms". Can they win in any strategic sense of the word? No.
  8. Navy Seals are not selected for their long term strategic thinking abilities. People capable of that kind of thought are also capable of self preservation hence they tend to have "priorities other" than enlisting, to quote Dick Cheney. So just like I am not going to ask a barber if I need a haircut, I'm not going to ask a Navy seal if we need to blow shit up. That's why we have civilian control of the military.
  9. Don't you know that if McDs had to pay, let's say 15 an hour, all of the sudden all owners of McDs would just throw in the towel, get on their jets and retreat to Aspen to pray to Ayn Rand for John Galt to make a glorious second coming.
  10. Oh yeah, the party of freedom for sure has a lot more discipline. It's like watching a cult.
  11. GOP establishment whom for years have been shifting the tax burden on the middle class away from upper classes and onto workers and away from corporations. Even the so called 47% who don't pay federal tax actually pay more than Romney paid. They pay 15%, Romney only paid 13%. Do I get angry when I see Romney pay 1/3 of what do, you bet ya. However, my solution is not making Romney pay 1% less so I can enjoy the same 1% tax cut. My solution is make Romney pay, I don't know, 40%, while I pay, let's see, 20% or so. I understand math, ratios and economy. Mitt has never created a job by playing the stock market. Mitt has lobbyists on K Street making my tax money flow his way, I don't. I vote my own interests, not some pie in the sky ideas. If people voted their own interests, GOP would get 1% of the vote, the democratic party would get 19% and the socialists would get 80%. 80% of the population is poor like a church mouse and forever destined to stay that way no matter how hard they work. The don't have the time to sit on airplane forums between their 3 part time jobs or spend their winters skiing, summers boatings and fall shooting birds. Please do not tell me the rich work harder, because that is simply not the case. P.S. Actually, well, that's a lie. My industry has lobbyists on K street too. I send in my dues annually.
  12. Unless they are police or firefighter unions, of course, who's pensions are actually considerably more unstable than the so called SS ticking time bomb. SS ticking time bomb can be solved in 1 minute: apply SS tax to all earnings with no cap. So Romney pays 27% instead 13%. He'd still be 16% under my 2013 and 2014 rate. And guess what, Scott, it will be exactly solved like that because old folks vote.
  13. I'm sorry, but where were you during the 8 years prior to Berry. I do not recall any of you being vocal when Dick said, and I quote "deficits don't matter". Or were you quiet then because Fox was telling you everything was Ok and we needed the deficits to go blow shit up in the desert. For once, can you answer the question. You seem to be incapable of doing so. Flat wages have been around since 1970. GOP is amazing at doing the exact thing they accuse the other side of doing. Take income redistribution. They are correct, it's been happening. Just in the opposite direction you claim. There has been a widespread theft of middle class wealth by the right wing.
  14. Once again, no concrete answers. ISIS is not an existential threat to US of A, like what Washington or Lincoln faced. And read up on Kennedy. He was pretty useless and the whole bay of pigs causes missile crisis was resolved mostly due to luck. He did give good speeches though. Ike did't, but he accomplished a hell of a lot behind the scenes as history now shows. Sometimes there is nothing to do other than what is already being done behind the scenes at CIA, NSA, FBI and Military. And yes, good intelligence collection, combined with precision airstrikes and special forces operations and starving them financially is about the only thing we can do against none state actors. Works a lot better than wishing you can implement a democracy in an artificial middle eastern country called Iraq by force. I predicted the whole Iraq fiasco down to a T in 2003…All I had to do is take a look at the map (straight line borders), ethnic make up and read a bit of history. Apparently nobody in the white house bothered. ISIS is our very own creation. We made this mess and it goes back to right after WWII and continuous from there. Radical islam traces back to Saudi Arabia, our "ally".
  15. Border security aside, as Obama has deported more criminal aliens than GWB and Clinton combined, what do you propose is the solution. We cannot invade France or Britain. As to border, what's the difference between Obama and GWB and Clinton. It's more or less the same as before. I understand you don't like the guy, but I for the life of me do not see any major policy change from him vs before. I see him no more a hero to the left than GWB was a hero to the right.
  16. They probably have better healthcare system , definitely for an average, not wealthy citizen so access to mental health is easier and guns while readily available, do take a few more hops to jump thru than USA. Do you by any chance remember police responding a bank robbery few years back in LA. Same situation. Two well armed, well protected targets. The police were sitting ducks until heavy weaponry arrived. Handguns don't stand a chance again rifles and body armor. There would have been a few more dead cops.
  17. So if France had more freedom then, it would happen more often, then? Well, then, maybe less "freedom" is a solution, since to me it really does not matter if I get shot my an American or Yemeni. I am equally dead in the end. BTW, the above is a fallacy, as the French already have some of the highest gun ownership in the world, believe or not. I believe somewhere at #5 in the world. I would attribute less shooting in France to culture, not to lack of access to guns.
  18. How does he enable radical islam? Not being sarcastic, trying to understand. We blew up more of them under his command than the prior 8 years combined. The number of drone strikes on high value targets trippled. Are you referring to withdraw form Iraq?
  19. Funny, the only think I see when I see Obama, is a center-right president who when asked by a Forture 500 CEO to jump, simply asks "How high, Sir?". Carl Marx must be rolling in his grave when they call a guy who gave Wall Street all they asked for and then some, a Socialist.
  20. When it happens in France once in a blue moon, it's because of gun control. When it happens in US every other week, it's because?
  21. Actually, JD going after police departments is not that terrible of an idea. I don't see how you can claim that majority of government is corrupt, unions need to be busted, but leave police and their unions out of the equation. Nobody is saying fire them all, but their culture and attitude could use some adjusting. It wasn't that long ago, when CBP was pulling pilots over left and right, and I happen to be on of the first ones and to say the least, the way I was treated left a bad taste in my mouth. That's when I started looking into how our police is trained and serve and protect has been replaced long time ago with mostly "make them obey". LA is actually a great example of what happens when a police department is readjusted, starts working with the community and trust develops both ways. Their crime is actually down, witnesses are considerably more likely to cooperate and even incidents of resisting arrest are down. I am not saying the world is not full of criminal assholes but the police cannot approach every encounter with a citizen from the start as an encounter with a criminal. First words out of CPB agent's mouth to me were "what the fuck is going on here". As you can imagine things went down from there. I also happen to be fairly wealthy, white and know my rights. Most people living in less desirable areas do not have the luxuries. You have to have the ability to put yourself in their shoes a bit. Do some research on civil forfeiture and see how many of our police departments no longer look at citizens as anything else potential source of assets to be stripped off. There actually was a town in TX that pulled people over and confiscated cash in wallets and watches and it went on for 3 or 4 years until they pulled over a wrong guy, who just happen to be a rather powerful TX attorney. Police are by themselves the very legal, violent arm of government along with the military and as branches of government actually given permission to execute violence on behalf of the state, need to be the closest watched with the most oversight by citizenry.
  22. Nope, Not me. Looks like formation flying. Too much of a wuss. We didn't take the Bravo in anyway. My brother flew it in later on in the week.
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