The situation with me is that I have a JPI 730 which does display TIT (not CDT) but in any case is not primary. With the loss of my original primary gauge - a dual TIT/CDT - I'm in "legal land" where I'm either replacing CDT/TIT with individual gauges or replacing my JPI, a far more expensive proposition. What is interesting is that JPI doesn't have a trade-in program. EI will take a trade-in but you only save about $1000 - so its a lot cheaper to go with individual gauges. I saw that EI has a standalone TIT gauge but I didn't see a CDT gauge on their website. I do have a TurboPlus intercooler (with gauges) which greatly reduces concerns about CDT temperature. But that doesn't make it legal. So I think I'm agreeing with what you are saying above (which is why I was looking into it). Thanks