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About Ksaunders

  • Birthday 10/28/1967

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  1. I have flown over 50 dog rescue missions in my M20J. My gf is the founder/CEO of TwoTailzK9 rescue. We transport large breed dogs and rescue over 200/year . I remove my back seats and put in a Medium wire kennel flat, then erect it while inside. Use plane cover on floor under kennel just in case! Kennel fits perfect. The Swan will fit in the medium, we did a test fitting! Thanks for response, fly safe!
  2. Well, here we go. We have a beautiful Black Swan located in Lee's Summit, Missouri that needs a transport rescue flight to Charlotte, NC. Yep, a Black Swan. Please let me know if you would like to volunteer to help fly this beautiful bird to his new home. Here are the details: The swan is located in Grandview MO in south Kansas City, with the closest airport being Lee's Summit MO. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and our info is: Burge Bird Rescue 13833 S US Highway 71 Grandview, MO 64030 816-356-4700 2. The swan weighs 30 to 40 pounds, but is closer to the size of a 60 pound dog. He can safely be transported in a medium dog kennel suitable for a 60 pound dog, can tolerate 4 hours at 10,000 feet with a temperature between 40 and 80 degrees and a normal oxygen level. He has a health certificate and the required blood tests to enter the state of North Carolina. He can be walked with a dog leash at the base of his neck and cannot fly, but he can run faster than a person, and would be more safely carried. When carried, a bed sheet draped over his head and torso will prevent his wings from flapping and hitting someone in the face (swans are strong enough to break your nose if they hit you full force) and will prevent biting, although he has shown no signs of attempting to bite anyone. He will his at you like a snake though! 3. The swan is going to Jennifer Gordon at Carolina Waterfowl Rescue (a 501(c)(3) nonprofit) 5403 Poplin Rd Indian Trail, North Carolina 28079 KEQY - Monroe, North Carolina airport. She will be able to remove the swan from the transport carrier and into her own carrier. Kevin J. Saunders M20J - N23MD - Gainesville, Ga 706-974-8316
  3. We have a wonderful furry passenger (65 lbs) that was rescued from certain death in a kill shelter. He now has a loving home and adoptive home in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin. Trouble is, this K9 currently resides in Atlanta, GA and needs a ride up North. Looking for a Mooney pilot willing to give this wonderful, furry guy a ride up North to COLUMBUS, OHIO from Atlanta. We have a volunteer that will take him from Ohio up to Wisconsin. The weather looks fantastic this Thursday/Friday. This rescue is being adopted into a home with a special needs person that must have a calming companion. We are trying our best to do some great work. We will provide you a crate, pads, whatever. If you are flying anyway, why not help save a life? Thank you for the consideration. N23MD - 706-974-8316 The better Half - Two Tailz ResQ "Carolyn" 404-909-2000
  4. Thank you very much. Please let us know if we can make it happen together. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. We have a wonderful furry passenger (65 lbs) that was rescued from certain death in a kill shelter. He now has a loving home and adoptive home in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin. Trouble is, this K9 currently resides in Atlanta, GA and needs a ride up North. Looking for a Mooney pilot willing to give this wonderful, furry guy a ride up North. I know all about Pilots and Paws as I do flying missions for them from time to time. This is a long CC and not for the average pilot - "Less than a Mooney" need not apply! I am based in Gainesville, Ga and can meet you if you can help me transport this wonderful dog the balance of the way into Northern Wisconsin. We will provide you a crate, pads, whatever. If you are flying anyway, why not help save a life? N23MD - 706-974-8316 The better Half - Two Tailz ResQ "Carolyn" 404-909-2000
  6. I transitioned into my M20J from a 1976 Piper Pa-28 with 160 hp. Double the speed, double the comfort, double the style. Bulletproof, economical, fun, attention getting, capable, - all the new words you will include in your sentences when people ask you about your new Mooney. Don't fear the respect they demand for adhering to their required speeds. Landings are never the same twice. The Mooney is a high performance machine and with good piloting techniques and a respect for the sport - you will be rewarded time and time again. Relax and remember what your bird requires for the perfect landing. Do your homework and plan for those short runways at your destination. When you mind your speed, you will seldom need much runway anyway. You will love her for many years to come.
  7. We have an adult Boxer Mix that needs a ride from Atlanta, Georgia to the Bowman, Kentucky area. The dog was rescued, nursed back to health, and has been adopted to a new rescue home to start a new life. If you are flying a route that takes you near those locations and want to help us with this rescue, please contact Tracy Jennings, (404) 545-0603. We post these requests on several different sites including Pilots and Paws. The Mooney community is often most capable of helping due to the speed, range, and overall capacity the aircraft offers for such a mission. Thank you all for your consideration - and God bless Mooney!
  8. So sorry so late to reply - The dog still needs a rescue flight and I put the wrong number for Tracy Jennings - 404-545-0603 - YES this week would work - please contact her directly at the number listed.
  9. Have a dog in very poor condition in Macon, Georgia (Starved) that needs a ride to Louisville, KY. Receiving organization in Louisville will take in this needy puppy - nurse back to health and get adopted. If you are flying in that direction (Macon, Georgia area to Louisville, KY) and want to save a life, please contact Tracy Jennings of "Angels Among Us" at (404) 545-0630. We could really use some help with this one. Thank you very much for considering this mission.
  10. If anyone is flying in the direction of beautiful Vero Beach, Florida - we have a little Mini-Pinscher that needs a ride from Gainesville, Ga (KGVL) to Vero Beach (KVRB). We have had much success "Hitching Rides" with the Mooney community in helping us with these transports - many thanks! We have also used Pilots N Paws and Pilots of America to find rides, however, our rescue animals would much prefer the speed, comfort, and prestige of riding in a Mooney. If you plan to fly in that direction and want to save the life of this precious little dog it would truly be appreciated. Please feel free to contact Tracy Jennings (404) 545-0603 and/or Jamie in Vero Beach (919) 215-1551
  11. "DAC GPS Steering" Garmin GNS 530 WAAS King KCS 55A - HSI Not sure if that answers your question. What would be involved with a gyro gain adjustment or a GPSS gain adjustment? This stuff is pretty foreign to me.
  12. When using my KFC 200 Auto-Pilot recently, I notice when in GPS mode (Not while in Heading Mode) that my bird is drifting to the left then back to the right (center) over and over again. It's enough to rock you to sleep. Very Annoying. I can definitely feel the aircraft slowly swaying back and forth. By monitoring my Attitude Indicator it is confirming that the auto-pilot is wandering just off the "center" indicator to the left then the plane is correcting and wandering back to the right then centering back up again on my AI. It may be a coincidental but it was happening most frequently when both my wing tanks were completely full. It also seemed that as I burned off fuel and turned the auto-pilot off and re-engaged - the wandering issue decreased. Not happening when I switch her over to Heading Mode and fly with my bug. I'm "Wandering" if anyone else has experienced this - (?) - any ideas, suggestions, thoughts?
  13. Small 5 month old 25 lb dog needs transport from Atlanta area to KOSH (Oshkosh). New adoptive family lives 10 miles North of Oshkosh airport. The family has offered to host any pilots that help transport the small dog to Oshkosh at their home so they have a place to stay while attending Air Venture. The host family has also offered to pay for day passes to the event for any pilots willing to transport the dog from Atlanta area to KOSH. This is a rescue dog who has been adopted and now just needs a ride to his new "Forever" home. Anything you can do to help us get him from Atlanta to Oshkosh would be fantastic. Kevin Saunders - ksaunder@prattindustries.com Carolyn O'Brian - Carolyn@tagteaminc.com info@TwoTailzK9Rescue.org Two Tailz K9 Rescue is a 501-3c non-profit organization based in Atlanta Georgia. We rescue and find new homes for abandoned, abused, neglected dogs. Please help us save one more little life.
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  14. Been using a Robotow. Best $1,200 I ever spent for something that can be classified as a "tool". Works very well. Wet tire, full fuel, incline, whatever. Robotow is super-easy to use and effective. It's the size of a "Manly" Weedeater. Replacement batteries for the unit sold on Ebay are much better than the one it comes with (and less expensive). Draws hanger crowd spectators whenever I use. Others are amazed at the power and ease of use. Special "Extended Shaft" version is required for the Mooney. "Regular airplane" short shaft version too short for us Mooney drivers. However, WILL trade immediately for the above mentioned "Hanger Wench"......the one in the black hat (not the one in the thong). She would appreciate that all Mooney Robotows have an extended shaft.
  15. Scott, yes, it is the sheet metal piece you are describing. If we could confirm it's the correct part, I'd like to work something out with you to get the pilot side (or both if you prefer). Kevin
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