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  1. I have a 396 with weather. It is pretty accurate. Most of the times I see the weather before the controllers see it. It does take a little getting use to because it shows radar returns so it might show rain but in actuality the rain isn't reaching the lower altitudes that you are flying at. I still like it and wouldn't want to do without. Thinking about upgrading to the 696 so I can have enroute charts and approach plates.
  2. Seth; I forgot to mention that there are some patients that fly into GAI for treatment. In fact I have a mission scheduled for next month that I will pick the patient up at GAI and return him home to Galax, VA. He recieved treatments at the University of MD Shock Trauma Center for a gunshot wound to the face. I have flown him before.
  3. Quote: Seth Tomorrow morning I'm conducting my first Angel Flight. Any pointers? The two passengers have been on many Angel Flights in the past (cancer treatment evidently), but besides ingress and egress, is there anything else that one normally wouldn't think of or has experienced? Thank you all in advance for the advice and suggestions. -Seth
  4. Congrats. You now have a license to learn. Enjoy your ticket. You've worked hard to earn it.
  5. I fly 125-150 hrs. a year. I have had the plane for about 3 years. In my expense figures I include the interest I pay on the plane loan but not the amount reducing the principle. My costs average just slight less than $150/hr and I am proactive in my maintence program. I would suspect this amount will start reducing because the plane had done alot of sitting (25-50 hrs/year) by the previous owner. My insurance runs around $1400.00. I use Sutton James Insurance, 500PIC and about 300M&M time.
  6. Quote: Lrn2Fly Does this happen even while you are PUSHING the PC disconnect button (i.e. not in the pulled out position)? This was happening to me. One side of the PC was still retaining vacuum, causing one servo to pull on its respective aileron. If there is water in the vacuum line to the servo, or if the disengage valve is faulty, the servo will in essence act like an altimeter as you climb and descend. In my case, the lower I went, the stronger the pull was to the right. This was after being at 9000' for several hours, then descending. As always, your mileage may vary.
  7. I have a recently developed issue that neither myself or my A&P can figure out and I hope someone here can help with. On my '65E, when I am in level flight and have the wing leveler on the plane flies true and straight. When I disengage the wing leveler the plane starts banking right rather quickly. This all started after I had washed the plane one day. Prior to that the plane would fly straight with the wing leveler on or off. As far as I know, I didn't hit anything while I was washing it to knock anything out of adjustment. Perhaps the washing is unrelated but this problem arose for the first time on my next flight. Anyone else run into this?
  8. The coil spring on the retractable step on my 65E is broke and my mechanic isn't having any luck finding one. Can anyone help me with that?
  9. For everyone's info, my AP called yesterday and said he had called about rebuilding my generator. They told him they had one set of brushes left and no more brushes were being made so my generator would be the last that they rebuild. Not sure if this is just true for this particular rebuilder or for everyone. Not sure who he called either. If true for everyone, this debate will become a non-issue, we will all be running alternators eventually.
  10. My generator failed today on my '65E and I am faced with either rebuilding it or going with a alternator conversion. I would be interested in hearing from others who have been in this position and their decision. If you went with the conversion what did it cost, any unexpected bugs, etc. At this point I am not sure which way to go.
  11. I plan on being there.
  12. I have decided to sell my E model if I can get a reasonable price. I have the opportunity to go into a partnership in a bigger plane. Here is a link to the listing on eBay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180559812919&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT If I don't have any luck selling it I would be willing to look at taking on a partner. If anyone is interested email me at wsb1471@yahoo.com
  13. I have listed my Mooney M20E on eBay if anyone is interested. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180559812919&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT
  14. T-A-P...Trade A Plane. Hadn't woke up yet evidently
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