Chris and all,
highly interesting discussion, I wish I had found this forum long before. I realize this discussion is now idle for 2 months but I still want to jump in.
I fly since 83, owned a Cessna 150 for a few years while collecting hours for my CPL/IR (Europe). Got my Multi, flew Senecas and Antonovs for a while in search of that airline job. Stopped flying when the big ones did not want me but got back into it in the last 3 years, retraining and revalidating my license and ratings. And clearly I wanted my own plane again as I am not the charter person others may be.
I started looking in 2007, set myself a price tag which is way below what has been discussed here. That got me to consider primarily old Cherokees and the odd Grumman Cheetah which crossed my paths. They were somewhere in the $20k region, most of them old 140/180's with original panels and stone age avionics.
I have been looking for range primarily, as I want to travel trips of up to 700 NM regularly, possibly longer. The Cherokees could not do this. The Cheetah neither, even tough it came close. Ran across an Arrow II, but shied away after I saw the bills of the last several annuals.
Then, late last year, I got across a M20C. My first reaction was a big laugh, what, me buy a Mooney? Heavens, they are for mid level executives with large incomes to feed them. Then I got the POH and asked for the last couple of annual and maintenance bills. Had a close talk to the guy who maintained it for the last 20 years, who incidently also maintained one of the Cherokees I was after. And, to my amazement, found out that it could do things cheaper than the Cherokees. Runs on 8-9 GPH at 140 kts, and can do 500-600 NM hands down. Load was about the same as on the Cherokee 140, but heavens, at what a difference. I picked this plane up very fast at a very good price and have not looked back.
On the avionic side, it features a full T panel with GNS430 and King digital radios, plus a Trig TT31 Transponder I had to add due to Mode S requirements. Otherwise it is a stock M20C, manual gear and flaps. The engine is on condition, but is running perfectly, obviously the fact that it will need an overhaul eventually is calculated in the price.
Re the cabin dimensions, I found it more comfortable to sit in than any of the Pipers I flew. And I am no small guy, with 6 ft 2 and well over 250 lb. I find that with the useful load I can take my wife plus ample baggage or two other adults easily, 4 gets tight but is feasible.
Frankly, when faced with the same decision, I would look earlier for the Mooneys. I thought they were beyond my financial capabilities but looking at what some of those Cherokees cost to maintain, not even Arrows which are much worse, I am very happy with my choice. I do think that I will fly it for a long time to come. I'll be looking to add Monroy tanks and an autopilot eventually and am in contact with Brittain. After reading the messages here, I think I'll go that route.
Chris, from what I have seen, you can't go wrong with a C Model. It will do just about everything a Cherokee 180 will do, other than carry the same load, but it will do it much faster and more economical. Like you, I took a long time to reach a decision. In retrospect it was worth the time but mainly because I did not have the adivce one gets here.
Best regards