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  1. So called "pilot valve" should disable the PC immediately. Check for kinks as it was already suggested. The easiest way to check if pilot valve is working properly is to test it with a vacuum cleanear (don't use full power!) if you don't have a good vacuum source. See the testing procedure in http://www.67m20e.com/Manual%20No.%2011990%20Mooney%20PC%20Operation%20and%20Service%20Instructions.pdf.
  2. Great stuff, Mike speaks about things he knows really well. I have already registered for his October webinar.
  3. I had about 20 hours in Cessna 172. The airport was a very demanding airport with 800 m long runway and surrounded by obstacles and with a strong crosswind so I had to demonstrate skills for landing in a pretty strong crosswind before my first solo. The benefit of learning landing technique I could see later as I never had problems with short runways and strong crosswinds.
  4. I had about 420 hours when finally I got the opportunity to buy M20E. My first airplane was Piper pA-28-140B Cherokee, year 1969. I bought her about 3 weeks before my check ride. At that time I was already dreaming about one M20F year 1975 but the price was far beyond my possibilities so I decided to buy Piper.
  5. joc

    #joc's album

  6. I am considering an option to install Monroy long range tanks (see http://www.monroyaero.com/lrupgd.html) upgrade in my 66E. I am interested what are the experiences with this upgrade, possible problems like fuel leaking, etc... I was trying to get the installation manual for the upgrade before I purchase it but unfortunately Monroy supply it only when you buy the upgrade. Has anybody, who has already done the installation, still this manual and can share it or at least explain a little bit more the installation process.
  7. Quote: Marshall Chris, The Brittain is really a simple system ot troubleshoot. If you don't have one buy an Mooney maintenace manual off E bay. It need not be current as vacuum still work the same way! The manual has a great section on the PC system and Brittian is willing to send additional manuals by email. Follow in the procedures in the manual and you should be able to locate and repair your troubles. I have a B6 in my 66 E model and flew 3:45 at 11,000ft in heading mode with no nav input other than twisting the heading bug, but it flies just as well in PC only. Vacuum servos are cheap to overhaul and parts are always on E bay. Clarence, M20E C-FMYB M18 C-GMYT
  8. Quote: Qwalton Is there still a huge backlist for ordering from them?
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