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About Scooter

  • Birthday 02/01/1956

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    Fairfield Bay, Ar
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  1. Hey Guys and Gals, Just got this in for the latest update. Hello Scooter Good news - We have one more meeting to look over the drawings that, the Bendix King and Duncan Engineering, created. These revised additional drawings will be completed this month, then FAA approval after that... We still believe it will be the Q2 of 2025 (is our latest estimate). Scooter
  2. Hey guys and gals. Got this 12/2/2024, so pretty current. Hi Scooter, We are hoping the Bendix King and Duncan Engineering, to create revised additional drawings will be completed in January or February of 2025, then FAA approval after that... Q2 of 2025 is our latest estimate.
  3. Does anybody have the patterns for the felt and baffles? Thanks Scooter
  4. Thanks Pinecone. Appreciated
  5. Yeah I was looking for part number and serial number. Thanks
  6. I thought that somebody had posted with pics the military style “pull to move” toggle switches? It was a replacement for the ignition switch. Does anybody have that?
  7. Looking for input on the different models of the stormscopes. Am looking a purchasing one for IFR flying. There are so many models out there so I am looking for one that does the job that is reasonably priced. Any ideas?
  8. Thanks everybody for the knowledge and the reply's. It just looks like I am going to have to bite the bullet and do it if I want that kind of gps.
  9. Is there any chance that we have have another forum for classifed or swaps? I would rather part with equipment to another Mooney owner than sell it on ebay or barnstormers. Just a thought. Not being a computer programer (I am lucky that I know where the on/off button is) I don't know how difficult that is.
  10. Yea, but I was hoping that they would go with a full 1000 or something and want to get rid of it. Just a thought. I saw one on Barnstormers and it ended up being a scam for 3990. Just like the American dream wanting something for nothing. As much as I have put into the upgrade it is hard to justify 7 AMU for a nav/com system. Already have two new coms so don't really need the com and have a tablet so the 430 was to be primary nav and the tablet back up.
  11. Anybody upgrading their panel to the new Garmin glass or that is getting rid of a 430W I would be interested in talking to you. I am currently in the market for a 430W. Redoing the interior of the M20C. Let me know.
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