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  1. Has anybody had experience with the full aircraft covers? I saw one on a plane advertised for sale not long ago. Seemed like a good idea for those that can't find or don't want to pay for hangars in big cities. I understand you can get them fully padded too which might help against the odd hail storm. Where I am a tie down is $120 and a hangar $500 (monthly). $6K before even leaving the ground is nuts.
  2. I have read your thread and the other topics too, although I do forget stuff occasionally. Your thread basically talks about the set up, speed and MP issues. I am interested in maintenance costs and in hearing from others with this setup. I like it over a 231 if the setup works, parts are available and it is not a pig to constantly repair. I take it yours has been good for the past 40 years. Has it been rebuilt? Is maintenance that much more from normally aspirated birds- M20 or 201 not 231 which in my mind costs more due to engine and equipment alone. I am just trying to get more info and responses. There is yours that appears to say it is good, and ML who says the Lycoming is not set up for it. Maybe Zephro will chime in here too. Your thread was good, just looking for more info from others and the cost factor.
  3. Intersting view about the turbo on the Lycoming. Trouble is, info is hard to find on these. Mooneyland site implies the engine was not made for the Rajay. But there are a number of owners out there without much negative info. Seems they do OK with the odd mid-life cracked housing. Plus, are parts readily available. In theory, it seems like a great option. I am considering a plane that needs to do the occasional 8 hour plus trip. Getting over weather seems like an option to have for a trip of that length. Plus, the 231 maintenance seems higher even though cost/mile might be lower. But acquisition is higher, engine O/H is higher. It strikes me that 231 maintenance is much more than 201 or F. The Rajay on the Lyc seems like a good compromise, not as fast but still capable to go up and over for those long rides. 8 hours @ 8,000 could be a pain in the butt. Getting in on a budget is only good if there are not too many compromises. Otherwise, it is better to save more or stretch to buy better. I like the C and E models, which are great for 2 people and most trips under 500mi. I could buy a C or E right now and be somewhat happy. But for longer trips and people/fuel, the F or 201 seems best, with the turbo added on being better still. Which means do more homework to see how far to stretch the budget. I'd like to hear if anybody has more info on the Rajay or turbos on the Lycoming. What is the extra maintenance cost? The only place to get real info is from real owners. I realize people don't want to talk $ on a forum, but ballpark numbers would be helpful or even ranges so you don't have to commit. Or PM if that is easier.
  4. I'd like to get some real life info on annual costs for the various models. It strikes me that there is a lot of optimistic pre-purchase $ numbers that float around and then I see many people spending a lot on annuals. Backward Tales talks about $795 which is dated, includes limited squawks, and really a useless number. What has been your experience. I am interested in comparing the various models M20C/E/F/J and especially the difference in the 231 given Mooneyland's comparison on 201 v 231. And those of you with 231s, are you making it to TBO? Have you had a top O/H? What is the cost of that relative to full O/H? And have you found your annuals significantly different than other rides you have owned? Thanks Avcheck
  5. Thanks to everyone for all the answers. Believe it or not I had read the MAPA articles and 201 v 231 before my post. When on boards I sometimes tend to repeat questions to ensure responders get all the goods in one spot to respond to. Plus I got timed out and had to redraft the entire set of questions, hence the idiot errors in it. Sorry about that. Despite the errors, GeorgePerry is dialed in to what my considerations are. I want value, utility and something I can keep/use for a long time. The pretty factor is somewhat less important. Core IFR avionics is fine, preferably digital, and preferably a real AP instead of wing leveler, and I would buy a 496 for $2K in lieu of the 430/530 panel mount. Then I could do seats and paint if the core machine proved reliable. After all the responses I believe a well maintained E or F will fit, or have to fit. Rajay would be bonus option if I could get it. And 231 is too much cash up front and maintenance. For me to buy 201 might result in a badly maintained dud when the F does most of what I need for less. E versus F comes to that back seat issue which I have yet to try. I also like fuel injection of the F. The G seems slower by a fair bit. In Canada I only see an E available now and it seems priced too high at $70K, and an F that has the tail number covered (red flag) and motor near TBO. So I need to get the import thing nailed down to increase the options. I am a bit away from the hard search for the actual machine. I am secretly hoping the declining economy will result in some more significant price drops than I have seen to date. Not that I want the economy in the tank any further. Rest assured I will be looking to take George up on the offer to review the prospective purchase info should that situation arise. Thanks again. These aircraft do seem ideal compared to the typical RG that I have retract time on or other Cessna/Piper product in the same price range. I have seen negative info on Mooney Mart and Mooneyland but only good stuff on All American and Jimmy Garrison. If any posters have any direct experience, I'd love to hear it. My car is acting up so I am off to that board now. Ciao!
  6. Hello, I have signed up to this board as it seems to have lots of activity. I would like to drill down further on the potential Mooney purchase angle. I am seeking an a/c for trips from Canada to FL or Bahamas (approx 1000NM). Many other trips would be 500NM or less. Need speed that only a few single engines can provide. I have researched Mooneys for some time including reading Backward Tales from MM. It strikes me that M20F is best value option, with J as #2 and 231 as the wish list option. I would like more info from anyone who would care to contribute.1. Is a well maintained F better than a run out J for value? Is a well maintained F better than a lesser maintained J? Is Rajay F or Turbo Bullet a viable alternative to 231 to allow for over weather for long trips and still have 4 banger maintenance costs? Can annuals be really kept to $2K or are $5K annuals the norm? Is it possible to get turn key well maintained F and J models? For how much? Many people have websites with pimped C, E and 231 models but it seems they have way more money in than they can ever get out? Can you buy and fly without spending like mad? Annuals and upgrades combined are $50K in some cases. Do the Rajays or Bullets affect resale value? Are C and E models only good for 2 people? How happy are C and E owners relative to the stretched models? Are there any Mooney shops in Canada? If not is regular A&P, AME suitable? Has anyone bought in USA and imported to Canada? From Mooney Mart or All American? How hard is it? Is appraisal necessary along with pre-buy? Is 231 really that much faster given the cost difference? Is a 231 really a maintenance pig compared to the others? Hangars are prohibitive or non-existent where I live. Can a Mooney be maintained adequately with full a/c cover, realizing it is not optimal? Any other help or info would be appreciated? I am trying to determine how realistic it is to own and operate a Mooney. The speed is important and necessary to justify moving away from rental a/c which are useless for longer trips. The only other single engine possibilities appear to be Comanche (more gas, ADs), Viking (wood wing, no hangar bad), Dakota (slow and pricey), and Mooneys. Value wise I like the C and E models but feel the extra size of at least F is necessary. What is the realistic norm for entry price for good a/c and realistic cost to fly and operate? Thank you. 2. Is Rajay or Turbo Bbullet a viable alternative to 231 to allow over weather for very long trips? Would this allow for some 231 benefits and lesser maintenance of 4 banger?
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