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  1. Thanks... I might try to pull some circuit breakers when I get a chance and see if I can diagnose it any further. That might help me figure out where the HSI is getting its data from.
  2. Thanks for the thoughts... The track seems to always be wrong if that makes sense. I would think if the magnetometer was mis-calibrated then the attitude indicator would show a wrong heading(it is correct) but maybe I am missing something. The other day I was flying a 110 heading in light wind for like 5 minutes and the track was 130 on the attitude indicator the whole time. In the photo I sent the heading shows 077, the garmin 430w track shows 077, but the HSI magically shows 098... I don't even know where that number is coming from.
  3. Hey there I was hoping to get some guidance. I have dual Garmin G5's with a 430w, gad 29B, and a GMU11 magnetometer and no autopilot. My problem is the G5's magnetic heading disagrees. The attitude indicator is spot on the money and agrees with my compass, but the HSI is always 20 degrees off. It makes it really confusing trying to fly approaches. Things I have tried include reading through all the manuals, updating to the latest firmware on the G5's, and going through the configuration pages and making sure all of the settings are correct. Screenshot: Attitude indicator shows the 077 correct heading (matching compass), 430w shows 077 track, and the HSI magically gets 098 from somewhere. I am not sure if anyone had some ideas that I can try to diagnose the issue
  4. I would probably repair the KX155. I like the simplicity of those radios, they work well. Big displays, tactile buttons, and no touch screens.
  5. Thanks I will try to reach out to Mcfarlane... I believe it is the original cable. I looked at some other M20B models on trade a plane and they seem to have the identical setup.
  6. Thank you, I was looking at McFarlane and it looks like their throttle is only certified for the M20C? I have the M20B. And it's out of stock unfortunately. Is there any way to repair the button on my cable? or is it a lost cause and needs replacement?
  7. Hey there I just bought an M20B and I am having some problems with my throttle. I believe the part number is 660190-003. The button is stuck inward, causing the throttle to move around freely. It was somewhat dangerous because when you put the throttle in idle it slides itself in and starts adding power when you are trying to land(float \ bounced landing) if it is not held outward. Is there some way to remove the button\knob and repair it? I looked all over the internet but never found anything. I wanted to see what the best options are.
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