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Max Clark

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    Dallas, TX
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  1. I have the full cluster from my M20R in a box - haven't gotten around to taking photos for sale. 6 pack and JPI also available.
  2. The Avidyne IFD is a nice box. I'd recommend you download and play with the simulator. FMS based flight plans are strange if you're used to the Garmin way. Adding and changing things, activating legs, holds, etc... Everything works, just a little differently. Took me a while to figure our that you have to activate Approach first on the IFD at the FAF then press APPR on the AP. Documentation glosses over this and the IFD looks like any advisory message. Easy to interpret as "activate approach on AP" as the message. After figuring this out my IFD + KFC would fly the approach with no problem. You can set altitudes (before and at) on the flight plan and the IFD will prompt with TOD for you to descend. Requires attention on your part but the IFD will do the heavy calculations. IFD540 will display charts (Jep), the screen felt a little too small for me to use and would default to my iPad on the yoke.
  3. That's an interesting thought exercise: in engine failure do you want less pitch up/more airspeed, or do you want more altitude? I much prefer cruise climb in general, but understand the teaching of Vy to 1,000' AGL especially after training in S22T where CAPS is unavailable below 500' AGL.
  4. That's what's detailed on the POH Glide chart.
  5. Vbg: 3368 lbs 91.5 KIAS 3200 lbs 89 KIAS 2900 lbs 84.5 KIAS 2600 lbs 80 KIAS FF performance profile has 89 KIAS and 11.5:1 Glide G3x was set for 85 GTN was set for 89 POH Emergency procedures spell out 85 KIAS in multiple places - this is the number I’m going to use and set everything to The Hartzel 3 blade prop drops “approximately 7%” on glide ratio - but trying to figure out what the starting number is based on that image…
  6. I ended up adding buffer to my glide ratio for the rings display. Figured it would help remove temptation if something happened.
  7. This was beat into me by my transition instructor. Yoke trim doesn’t move nearly fast enough you’ve got to get on the wheel aggressively.
  8. Full trim up is interesting - will have to try this.
  9. No it doesn't show that in the thread
  10. Very cool thank you. I'll post my final files for anyone who finds this thread in the future.
  11. Two online resources I've found for creating checklists: https://github.com/rdamazio/efis-editor web based editor for EFIS files, syncs to Google Drive https://www.flightchecklists.com/ web based editor for paper printouts (nice layouts) I'm building redundancy from Foreflight. I'm making a laminated paper grab card with emergency procedures (easy to find, grab, and read) and planning on putting the rest into the G3x for reference.
  12. Can you share this Spreadsheet?
  13. Rick would you be comfortable sharing your templates? I'm building docs right now for my plane and love this idea. Thanks!
  14. Hi all, I'm working through building checklists for my G3x. Hoping someone has been through this and can give me some insights: - How did you break up your Checklist groups? - Challenge/response & Challenge items make sense. Curious how you might have used text, title, warning, caution, and note. - Any general tips/tricks that you can share that will make these easier to use in the plane? Thanks!
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