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Max Clark

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    Dallas, TX
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  1. Were you able to load the approach on the G3x or did you create your flightplan using waypoints and vnav? I'm not surprised to hear this, how different is GPS between the GTN and G3x?
  2. I had an interesting discussion about this recently. I pointed out how the POH had Vbg at different weights (80 - 91.5 KIAS), and the emergency procedures specified 85 KIAS so wouldn't that be a better number to sear in my mind. Their point was caring more about stall speed vs angle of bank and making sure I was always at an airspeed above a stall. The more I've thought about it, the more happy I am for adding an AOA to the plane.
  3. This whole paragraph is excellent
  4. "Demonstrated Cross Wind is 13 Knots (This is not a limitation)" 55° angle @ 16-28 kts... 15-20 kts cross crosswind component is more than I want to take on if I can avoid it.
  5. I was looking at a flight recently and the destination weather was "okay" but not great. Something that I know I could fly into, but just had the nagging feeling that it wasn't a good plan so I scrubbed. Made me realized that I haven't ever sat down and written out my personal minimums for an easier no-go decision. If you've done this before, I'm curious what are your personal minimums? Ceilings Wind Crosswind Visibility Turbulence Etc... Have you increased or decreased your minimums over time? What prompted you to make the change (more experience and comfort, or "that was a bad idea" hindsight)? What I'm really interested in is the ADM that lead you to your choices. I think this could probably be more valuable than the actual decision (there are absolutes of course like don't flight into a thunderstorm). Thanks! I've linked a couple of resources I've found online (and uploaded the PDFs for future reference). https://www.faa.gov/sites/faa.gov/files/2022-01/Personal-Minimums.pdf https://www.faasafety.gov/files/gslac/courses/content/28/212/Personal Minimums Checklist.pdf Personal-Minimums.pdf Personal Minimums Checklist.pdf
  6. I just installed a G3x so the update will probably be announced at sun n fun.
  7. Are you using a sentry or flight stream for the iPad data feed?
  8. 20 years of my flying life in Foreflight so hard habit to break. Before my next Foreflight renewal I'm going to toy with Garmin Pilot but I've got a while (plus the new equipment is already enough of a transition). This started with re-evaluating what equipment I'm carrying with me and what I want moving forward. Just thinking through everything now. The Mini on the Yoke was already large, just curious on what people are doing.
  9. Did TNGs with my transition. I'm pretty sure my CFI was doing it to push task saturation. Glad I did, but I will tell you I don't like it at all and will not do them solo in the plane. These birds are fast and it's incredibly busy and easy to forget something.
  10. Hi all, I've been flying with an iPad mini for a while now. It's nice to have Foreflight, Sentry/ADS-B, logging, etc... handy especially when I was switching planes a lot in training. I just finished a panel upgrade so I'm trying to keep my eyes up on the new Garmin glass instead of down in my lap (or I should say the yoke). Something that's standing out now is just how small the mini is and I've started thinking if I want to keep this as my EFB or switch to my full sized iPad. I'm curious if you're flying with the big iPad and if you've mounted it somewhere. Is this thing just massive to fly with? https://rammount.com/products/ram-b-121-ap23u?srsltid=AfmBOoqsTB_4i2v4yaH2ue6TY6gzTRhTt_Aqtok6RMxNDBMJyn5NZR-N Thanks!
  11. I have the full cluster from my M20R in a box - haven't gotten around to taking photos for sale. 6 pack and JPI also available.
  12. The Avidyne IFD is a nice box. I'd recommend you download and play with the simulator. FMS based flight plans are strange if you're used to the Garmin way. Adding and changing things, activating legs, holds, etc... Everything works, just a little differently. Took me a while to figure our that you have to activate Approach first on the IFD at the FAF then press APPR on the AP. Documentation glosses over this and the IFD looks like any advisory message. Easy to interpret as "activate approach on AP" as the message. After figuring this out my IFD + KFC would fly the approach with no problem. You can set altitudes (before and at) on the flight plan and the IFD will prompt with TOD for you to descend. Requires attention on your part but the IFD will do the heavy calculations. IFD540 will display charts (Jep), the screen felt a little too small for me to use and would default to my iPad on the yoke.
  13. That's an interesting thought exercise: in engine failure do you want less pitch up/more airspeed, or do you want more altitude? I much prefer cruise climb in general, but understand the teaching of Vy to 1,000' AGL especially after training in S22T where CAPS is unavailable below 500' AGL.
  14. That's what's detailed on the POH Glide chart.
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