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  1. Looking for fuel distribution block for my Mooney bravo. My A and P said this part could be the issue when coming in to land and engine stalling on roll out.
  2. JCCV

    M20M exhaust

    Where did you get parts I have a 1990 M20M with cracked manifolds
  3. Transitioning from cherokee 180 to mooney TLS m20m any recommendations for training?

    1. N201MKTurbo


      Just take it slowly and wait to take off the training wheels till you feel confidant you will get there. You have a great airplane.

    2. N201MKTurbo


      I just did an annual on a PA-28-180. 

      The Mooney is a much higher strung plane than the Cherokee. Your biggest thing to get used to is how slick the Mooney is. Mooney's don't like to slow down or come down. It takes a lot more planning. With the Cherokee, you pull the power and throw out the flaps and it comes down like a brick. Not so with the Mooney. It just keeps on going. Just practice your pattern work and don't land too fast. Also practice go arounds and (dare I say!) touch and gos. There is a bit more technique than with most planes.

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