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About christaylor302

  • Birthday 08/16/1977

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    Vacaville, CA
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  1. I ordered a couple radios from https://www.bennettavionics.com/ and had a great experience. They were well packed and received ahead of schedule. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I know a lot of work, calling, emailing, begging and pleading went into this. I’m grateful for everyone’s effort. Yes, several people are going to have their hand out and want their piece before it gets to us, but at least we will have an option now. Maybe other MSC’s or organizations like McFarlane can get in on the licensing deal and create a little competition. I’m just glad I won’t be stuck without any options. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I know a lot of work, calling, emailing, begging and pleading went into this. I’m grateful for everyone’s effort. Yes, several people are going to have their hand out and want their piece before it gets to us, but at least we will have an option now. Maybe other MSC’s or organizations like McFarlane can get in on the licensing deal and create a little competition. I’m just glad I won’t be stuck without any options. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Yes, you’ll need to disconnect the lead to the gauge so you only measure the resistance through the senders. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. The stock fuel senders are resistive. So you should be able to connect a Ohm meter and watch the value while swinging the float. There should be a smooth change in value from top to bottom. I don’t know the top and bottom of the range. But it should be a smooth sweep. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Seems like this might be an Owner Produced Part using motorcycle inner tubes? Does anyone have more info, like what size inner tube to use or a template to share? I know I need at least one. I probably should redo them all if this is an option. Currently working on a restoration project. Thanks!
  8. Yes, it’s not skilled work. Just messy, tedious around the rivets, a LOT of time, and resealing is also messy.
  9. You might want to do one tank at a time. That way if it does turn into a s-show, you can fly it somewhere on the second tank.
  10. I’m working on a restoration project so flying it somewhere to be done was not an option. There is also some pride in knowing I did it. But, if you fly regularly and the money is not going to bankrupt you, you might be better off having someone else do it. I suspect they’ll only have the plane for a week or so versus the months it took me working nights and weekends. I spent about $3,000 between the chemicals, tools and all the sealant. I followed the Mooney service manual for resealing. So far this is the hardest part of the restoration project. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I’m just finishing a complete strip and reseal of both tanks on a M20C. It’s definitely a labor of love. Polygone Gel and plastic scrapers worked best for me. Also some tile grout brushes work well, plastic bristle type. It will eat the paint if you let it sit on it. If you get some on the paint a quick rinse with a spray bottle of water and paper towels to wipe it up will save it. You need to mix up the bucket of Polygone Gel and keep it covered for best results. I used 3 5lbs buckets total. I also used a gallon of Klein Strip paint thinner (California version) that was labeled a MEK alternative. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I’m working on resealing tanks of a M20C and the finger strainer that was barely attached came off. I haven’t been able to find a direct replacement. So I’m wondering if anyone knows how it’s attached. It looks like the strainer goes over the pickup tube leaving the tank and then a band is over the top to secure it. Is it crimped, soldered or brazed on? Can it be repaired without removing the rivets and replacing the entire pickup tube? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Wow, I loved reading through this thread and seeing the great support from PS. I’ll need a new panel soon and it will definitely be getting a PS audio panel! Keep up the great work!
  14. N Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I’m also interested in a set. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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