UPDATE: I was able to find an instructor to meet me at the airport where it was hangared. He trained me, signed my endorsement, and I got to fly it home. He taught me a lot, but wasn't very familiar with Mooneys. I've got a few leads on a Mooney specialists in my area, for some more detailed training. I appreciate the help.
I've just bought a 1963 M20D. Proud to be part of the Mooney family. I am looking for an instructor to help me get my complex endorsement. I do have my PPL, and about 60 hours, but they are all in 172s. The plane has been checked out by a mechanic and is ready to fly. Unfortunately, it is in Mt. Vernon IL (KMVN) and my home airport is Nashville (KJWN). My best two options seem to be:
A. Find a Nashville instructor, travel to Mt. Vernon somehow, bring the plane home, and have the lessons as both of our schedules allow.
B. Find a Mt. Vernon instructor, do a four day weekend crash course, and hope that is enough to earn the endorsement.
If you are not an instructor, and know someone, any leads would be appreciated. Thank you.