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    M20J 205
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  1. Don, What is the useful load with AC and TKS?
  2. From all the 252 posts on here it seems the 175 ktas is achievable at 75% and at 12,000 and above but more like 165-170 is realistic to plan for.
  3. Most of the time the trip is 700-750 with the occasional 850. I figured 17GPH at 180Kts is around 4 hours with IFR reserves the 750 should be a no problem. Usually I don’t have to fight the wind here in Europe and we are a bit flexible with the timing.
  4. Any specific reason against the Acclaim?
  5. Appreciate the feedback. My J in Lycoming and I am happy with it. I am aware of the debate that Continental is more "delicate" and needs more work if flown not by the book but I don't have real experience behind it to say that I have to avoid it.
  6. I am looking to go from my J to a turbo. My usual trip is 2 people (total 300 Lbs) with luggage (around 80 Lbs) and around 700-850 nautical mile each way. Highest mountain is 12,000 ft on the way. We have done a few in the J (small deviation to avoid the top of the mountain) but it is just over 4.5 hours. We are looking to "shave" an hour off so need something in the 180-190 kts range. Also, need to be able to climb for weather in the fall or winter. This is all flying in southern Europe in winter and to central Europe the rest of the year. I see some of the people here who went from a Bravo to an Acclaim and back and some that just don't see the Acclaim as "better" than the Bravo. Could I get some feedback from those who actually had both and chose to either go back or stay, as to what were the deciding points?
  7. Just following up on this in the hope it will help @ajudson and others. I spoke with Frank Crawford at Mooney and he sent me some drawings (attached). he also mentioned that Teledyne might be able to fix the B&D parts and Mooney advised customer to call 310-765-3600 ask for help.
  8. I ended up buying @PT20J 's tach and generator (I guess he has enough money now to buy an Acclaim Ultra) . I wanted to thank @Aerodon for the time he took to try and find out the correct part number.
  9. Skyman says they don't have the tach generator....
  10. Try switching the probe with another cyl and see if the problem moves.
  11. You are right. They are connected in a series so I would think it would make a difference.
  12. Do I need to disconnect the wire from it or it doesn't matter?
  13. Trying to figure out if my issue is the gauge or sender. The gauge shows less than full when I fill the tank. Right now I have about 8 Gal and when I pull the outboard float up it doesn't affect the gauge. Where do you start the diagnostic process?
  14. So finally had time to look at the setup. I also went flying twice and the gauge doesn't fog anymore but also works for two minutes and dies. I don't know how to tell if it is the generator or the gauge Here are pictures of the location:
  15. Wanted to get more info from people who installed the JPI900/930. I see the options to buy it with fuel qty sensors. In the M20J when you have 4 fuel senders in two tanks, which option do you choose? 2 tanks or 4 tanks kit?
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