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  1. We have the project in the air! Flies very nice, we have slowly replaced or repaired all the gages, (they sat too long) We Have about 8 hours on the zero time motor and prop.so we decided to tackle the gear puck change out, the mains were a snap, both done in two hours. But, the nose is a different story!! Our model was one with a shock absorber originally, it has been removed long ago as authorized by FAA, but the upper bracket that the shock was bolted to is directly in the way of getting to the nut on the puck collar retainer bolt. In fact you need a mirror to see the nut!! My question is: Can the bracket be cut off flush with the top of the assembly (through the weld that attached it to the gear) with a cutoff wheel and die grinder? This would provide access to the nut and make it possible to R and R the pucks without completely disassembling the entire front gear assembly. Your thoughts and experience??
  2. Our tach is toast, the little nylon gear is stripped and its a 1966 issue tach that was put in at the factory. What are your suggestions for a replacement?
  3. The JPI in our plane uses the thermal wells on each cylinder for CHT, therefore the original primary gage has no sender or probe. We want to use a plug probe on one cylinder to provide a signal to the original Mooney gage in the panel. We tried a plug probe but it did not respond correctly, just read nothing or pegged the gage. We are suspect that the original probe was an RTD and not a thermocouple. Is there an RTD available that is in the plug probe configuration available? The reason for all of this is our inspector indicated that the primary gage must function and that the JPI cannot be the only indication for CHT Can you shed some light on this situation?
  4. Getting ready to install the window for the last time with seal, but cant identify this item or if it needs to be connected to something. Can you help? Also, we need a tapered pin that connects the yoke to the control shaft, where would be get such an item? Thanks again for all those who have helps us on this project.
  5. We have traced down all of our instrument's antennas and find this one extra with coax coiled in the battery area. We cant understand whats it for or was needed for. Any advise?
  6. We are assembling a project M20 E super 21 and are putting a new oil cooler in the stock location, the hoses seem to fit better with the cooler installed with the hose fittings on the top. Is there a reason that this is not advisable? they will run alongside the block far above and away from the exhaust pipes where they used to go. Your thoughts??
  7. One day turn around, comes back certified and perfect, best money we ever spent. Far less than Cleveland units
  8. Should your oil lines be that close to the exhaust pipes? Our M20E oil lines exit the top of cooler and run along next to the block, way above the exhaust. Just a thought.
  9. Thank you Matt, Call Bill and were all set up to send both units to him! I also found that Avstat Aviation in Van Nuys CA has the service kits, they are #VV15625 for about $80 Thanks again for the tip!
  10. HELP!! Bled the hydraulic system today, rebuilt the Flap Pump (new O rings) Bled the brakes, Left unit cleaned up great and has great brake action, but the right would pump up and then not release. Removed the Right master cylinder, put new O rings in it, found the A-47G-045 Valve assemble O ring dry and cracked! As you know the little O ring is a part of the valve assembly and must be replaced as a unit (see Print attached) Where can we find one of these to purchase??? Nevadabandit on the search!!
  11. As we move forward with this Mooney, we find missing pieces for the 201 windshield STC, the cowl deck and retainer. Lasar part numbers #310310-003 and #310315-001. Lasar told us these two parts are not available at this time unfortunately. But as you can see in the pictures, we have a piece that appears to be from the "Texas" STC. Dont know if the folks rebuilding and modifying this plane messed up the Lasar pieces and found them not available, then turned to Texas to see if their piece would work with the Lasar conversion. Anybody out there have any back ground or opinions that may help us? Thanks a bunch!
  12. Thank You very much for the input! Sounds like the perfect thing to do!
  13. The rebuild invoice states the cam and lifters were reground, so that leave the roller possibility out. I didn't know they reground cams and lifters?!!
  14. Has anyone had experience with the AD concerning the empennage attach fittings? It appears to be very limited to which aircraft it affects.
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