We have the project in the air! Flies very nice, we have slowly replaced or repaired all the gages, (they sat too long) We Have about 8 hours on the zero time motor and prop.so we decided to tackle the gear puck change out, the mains were a snap, both done in two hours.
But, the nose is a different story!! Our model was one with a shock absorber originally, it has been removed long ago as authorized by FAA, but the upper bracket that the shock was bolted to is directly in the way of getting to the nut on the puck collar retainer bolt. In fact you need a mirror to see the nut!!
My question is: Can the bracket be cut off flush with the top of the assembly (through the weld that attached it to the gear) with a cutoff wheel and die grinder? This would provide access to the nut and make it possible to R and R the pucks without completely disassembling the entire front gear assembly.
Your thoughts and experience??