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Fredrik Andersson

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Everything posted by Fredrik Andersson

  1. I usually lean during climb so you have about 1350°F on the EGTs, which means about 22 gallon/h (otherwise it is up to 24-26) to make efficient burning. Cylinder temperatures is below 380° F. Then when you reach FL250 it is tricky to get them below 400° but that is goal. LOP gives the lowest cylinder temperature, but I usually have cylinder 3 going up in temperature during that operation even if it passed the peak position. Going richer reduce the temperature, but then no.5 cylinder reaches above 400°. The only way to maintain FL250 (to get over weather) was to use full cool flap and and reduce MP to 26 or less, then cyl 3 and 5 stay close to 380° and the other well below.
  2. I visited my Mooney today and it has been standing dry in the hangar for some days, it is no different situation. When moving the stall vane up and down you can feel and hear it switching. This is without any electrical power on. See movie: If I turn on the master (and the fuse). The signal is continuous. See the movie below: Is the vane the problem?
  3. This was not ok after landing and even after moving it up and down in the hangar...
  4. I tested it in the hangar, up and down, but it was screaming all the time. I will test it when it is dry someday. It doesn't feel stuck. It moves very freely. Can it be the electronics after, like the summer making the signal that has gone bad? It sounds like it comes from the speaker in the ceiling, so no separate speaker for the stall warning?
  5. I was flying back to Sweden from the UK yesterday. Went down from FL190 over the North Sea through a layer of icing in IMC. It was not much, not the complete windscreen and just some mm on the wing. The ice went away and then suddenly out of the cloud and when the ice melted below 9000 ft and speed still was about 177 kt, the stall warning started slowly to scream. The wings had all the ice melted away and after 5-10 minutes it began to scream. I had to take out the circuit breaker. After landing and in warm temperatures, it was still screaming if I enabled the circuit breaker again. I experienced a problem with the stall warning earlier and I think that had to do with why I couldn't turn off the Avionik Master last year. Suddenly the Avionik Master started to work after I have exercised the stall warning switch, but I was not able to prove it since it had gone then. My Mooney M20K 252 has no TKS so I think it is not preheated. Does anyone have experience of this?
  6. My indikator that suddenly popped out at FL220 is now replaced. It was in rain several days when attending the Friedrichshafen aero and then at the flight home, at freezing flight levels, made it pop out. I used white Marine silicon valid for -60° to 180°C, filled it completely after had removed the old silicone that was still there. Then the day after I put a film of 3M (used to protect the wing front) over complete installation so now it will never plop out again and no humid will get in. I cover the other with a film directly when first plopped out and it works well. If there are some mist inside the indicator, it goes away after few days in a dry hangar. It went little misty when I covered the old one, but it is gone away completely now.
  7. How did you put the new one in? With silicone? One of mine popped out accidentally above FL200. I heard a soft “cling” and took a while before I realized what it was…
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