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  1. @KASE I removed my entire KFC200 system and have all the parts at the house if you need stuff to hang test ETC let me know Andy
  2. Picked up my airplane a few weeks ago after getting a GFC install with electric pitch trim and yaw dampener. Absolutely love the GFC 500 great autopilot, but I'm not sure if the yaw dampener is working correctly. I know it not suppose to be a sub for yaw trim but here is how I am using it and how its responding hoping that some with with the GFC 500 with yaw dampener can let me know if this is correct behavior. On climb out I place the aircraft in trim and engage the yaw dampener, if I relax pressure on the peddles the airplane will go back out of trim. I can feel the peddles making rapid small inputs against my feet. I normally turn it back off put the aircraft back in trim and leave it off. Once established in cruise and everything is trimmed and leaned out with the aircraft in trip I reengage the yaw dampener and relax pressure. The plane tends to settle 1/4 ball out of trim and again I can feel rapid small inputs against my feet. After a period of time it feels like the plane starts to very subtlety hunt in the yaw axis. I'm assuming that it is not operating correctly, the ride with the yaw dampener seems to be measurably worse with the yaw dampener engaged. From reading posts on here about the GFC500 yaw dampener seems like the behavior I am getting is not correct. Any feedback would be welcomed. Andy
  3. I had the same issue with my EDM900 it was a loose ground wire. Andy
  4. Thank! Its frustrating that its so hit and miss. Andy
  5. I am going to assume that diode is inside the annunciation panel, is that something that should be fixable by an standard avionics shop, or someplace more specialized. Thanks for the reply and info. Andy
  6. I am intermittently have the same issue all of the lights illuminate on the annunciator panel but only when the gear are down, then the gear are up all lights are out and the test switch works as advertised. It’s a very intermittent issue and is proving hard to troubleshoot. Andy
  7. So few months in to ownership and yet another dilemma. Currently my plane is parked on the ramp, I am on a list for a hanger but I probably have a better chance of winning the lottery then getting a hanger anytime soon. My question is ramp fuel load, I have read and been told the best ramp fuel load for the health of the tanks is full. However on the last (and first) trip with the wife, kid, dog, and bags I departed with 45 gallons. As I run weight a balance scenarios I can't see needing to be to much above that. So do I keep the Airplane full when on the ramp then just plan a fuel burn flight a day or two prior? How long can I let it sit on the ramp at 45 gallons before I need to worry about sealant drying out? Andy
  8. @ArtVandelay I think the Mooney part number is the switch part number I listed. But I’m very new at this and probably wrong. That switch is for the electric trim with the KFC200 AP system. I bought a switch from @Aerodon, hope it works looks a little different. The mechanic at my field said getting it to fit on the bus bar will be the problem. @A64Pilot if the switch I have coming doesn’t work I’ll see if my mechanic will give that a try. andy
  9. @Fly Boomer that one is sold out, I have called a bunch of salvage yards after reading your post they will be getting back to me in the next couple of days. @201Mooniac thanks for looking appreciate it! Andy
  10. @ArtVandelay Don’t think that will work, thing the last number is the amperage. Think -3 is 3 amps and the -5 is 5 amps.
  11. Thanks @N201MKTurbo ! @Aerodon if you have one that would be great!
  12. Looking for Mooney Part # 930023-009 the panel mounted Electric Trim Switch for a 1978 J. The Klixon part number is 20TC2-BG-5. I am open to an alternate solution as well. Thanks Andy
  13. Figured I would post an update. The “wrong” serial number was actually the serial number of the engine the plane was born with. It was removed in 2010 for a factory reman ( the serial number currently on the plane). So mistake makes 100% sense now, I closed on the plane on Monday got my insurance required training complete she is now sitting up in the upstate of South Carolina with me. Andy
  14. Please add me to the list as well, have 4 old style broken vents!
  15. All, Thanks for the input and feedback. Yes there is additional paperwork for O/H components, Counterweights, Idler Gear, Gear, Crankshaft, connecting rods, crankcase, some items do list their individual SN but nothing mentions the engine SN. Unfortunately the airframe logbook does mention the reinstallation of engine but no SN is present. I 100% believe that this is just a admin error, I'm not trying to find leverage over the seller, or make mountains out of mole hills. Engine hours have a direct effect on the A/C value, and the bank does care about that. My hope was that someone would have recognized their engine SN then the shop the A/C is at could in good faith correct the logbook with a detailed entry etc. I am committed to this airplane the seller is a stand up gentleman and has been a pleasure to work with, was looking for an out of the box solution to a paperwork problem. Andy
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