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  1. Unfortunately I have to sell my beloved 231 with many upgrades. There is a potential customer who does not know Mooneys well and I would like to send him the test report from back then when it was a current plane done by a professional test pilot - but somehow I cannot find this report anymore. It was a serious flight report about the 231 with flown performance parameters and more about the airplanes behavior and I am sure that some of you know this report and maybe know where I can find it again. What I now find on the web is more like bla bla and not real serious or getting deeper inside what it really is Would be great if somebody still has this test and can forward it to me - or give me a link or advise Thanks in advance Markus
  2. No luck either in Florida - I found a Hangar near Nashville TN - however I am currently touring around in Florida - today in Cedar Key - tomorrow south to St Pete - Fort Lauderdale is on the list too
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