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  1. Thanks for the response. I was mostly wondering about the fit since the spruce speaker appears to be slightly larger than OEM.
  2. I'll send you a PM.
  3. Ned, I am necroing this thread to ask how that 6" speaker fit in your 65 M20E. I know it's been 12 years, but perhaps you will remember it with how much fun you were claiming to have! I have the interior of a 66 M20E and the speaker has to be original if not 40+ years old. I am upgrading avionics as well and was looking for a speaker to swap in, but the original appears to be a 4" model, so I was wondering how much coercing you had to do to get it to fit, or if it was pretty straight forward.
  4. As pointed out, this statement was incorrect. I removed to stop presenting incorrect info.
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