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Everything posted by Trogdor

  1. This is almost the situation I’m in. I fly around 100-120 hours a year for a club. I’m trying to figure out if the added cost of ownership out weighs the drawbacks.
  2. I am doing some cost analysis since I primarily fly for a club, ~110-120 hrs/year. All in, I'm thinking about 25-30k a year to operate (wet rate * hours + annual + misc). Is that what you folks see? The other issue I have is ZERO chance of a hangar which has always put a pause on my ownership aspirations and not just how to reflect that in my operating costs (I padded the annual, 5-7k).
  3. Go to Controller right now. Jimmy (GMAX) just sold a similar plane with even more in the panel for a lot less than that. But good luck!
  4. I was thinking the same thing. I like what they’ve done but that price …. is ….
  5. Question, is there a list of known good prebuy shops (preferably on the East Coast)? Has anyone used Savvy Aviation (Mike Busch) prebuy‘s service?\ What in general do folks look for in a good prebuy? This is for either an E or a J.
  6. Thanks everybody!
  7. Next question, does this community curate a list of Mooney CFIs across the country?
  8. I think KLNS has a Mooney shop on it. Also the guys over at KMPO do Mooney.
  9. This is what i was told by several folks, i.e. the Piper Arrow time is useless toward the Mooney from the insurance company's perspective.
  10. TAA.
  11. Note: I have a high performance endorsement already (see 182). Alright, I can certainly get my complex (I think it's two flights in an Arrow). But I was told that you can get your complex as part of your transition planning - the insurance doesn't care. Maybe that was wrong.
  12. So you brought a CFI with you? That's what I'm failing to understand. Or again, do some training at the pick up spot for a day, stay over, then fly home.
  13. How would you get the transition on the flight home? Is there a minimum to solo (like 4-5 hours) and then another 5-10 for the full transition?
  14. I have 300 PIC. IR/CPL/HP I've flown 172s, 177s, 182s, and DA40s (and even an SR22 once!). I'm thinking about buying a Mooney and was wondering how does this work if I have zero time in type? It's not like I know of a flight school that has a Mooney on the lot for me to fly and get some dual on (I'm in NJ). I don't currently have my complex since I've never needed it but I can go get that in a Piper Arrow. But I'm told that won't really help me with insurance for a Mooney, i.e. they want time in type, so I haven't done it. Can someone explain to me the process coming from zero time in type? I can't be the only one.
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