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    Skis and airplanes (and some other stuff too)

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  1. thank you so much for offering this. I've been training in a cherokee 180, but have decided that it makes more sense to buy an M20c and just finish my training in that. Flew a Cessna 172 yesterday and pretty much hated it. would be fine to never get behind the yoke of one of those again. i've got ~60 landings in a Cherokee in <14 hours of training. Haven't had trouble yet (couple kinda ugly because...you know, student pilot), even had a tire blow out on one side on landing (on my first solo, no less). Not my fault, btw. Perfect landing. The aircraft owner is fairly aloof about some maintenance. the tires were bald, the CFI was like "pish tosh", and then BOOM on the runway. Needless to say i fired that training outfit, and have decided to just buy a plane and hire an instructor (then i can be in charge of the tires). Really appreciate this post. TY
  2. i'm holding quotes from BWI, Avemco, and someone sourced through AOPA. The difference between waiting till after i have a PPL or insuring as a student is a few thousand per year. Doesn't change the calculus. (that's <15 hours in a far inferior plane, whereas a mooney will burn ~8/gph going slow) Fun fact: The best way to bring your premium down with Avemco is hours. The sooner one gets to 80 hours in type, the faster the rate goes down. Why wait till later to start collecting those?
  3. I didn't mean to sound terse. I'm just decided on my course of action. Spending a bunch of dough learning to fly cessnas at Galvin (or someplace) just doesn't appeal (already done the analysis....to death). neither does spending the next however long (also inefficient). My aim is to take delivery of my plane in the next couple of weeks, and get in it for ~40 hours with in instructor over the course of a couple of weeks. (please spare the commentary anyone might have. it does work. Before you respond, ask yourself this: Ever met a black belt who got there on a couple of hours a couple of times per week? I never have. All the bad ass fighters i've ever met in my life were in the gym all day everyday honing their skills.) And that's the approach i aim to take: All day everyday until once again "a punch is just a punch, and a kick is just a kick" (Bruce Lee. Google it for reference.)
  4. the value proposition is unmatched. Fast and efficient. Seems an obvious flaw in the market, that they offer more plane for less $$.
  5. Appreciate the insight. Renting planes and taking forever may work for some. But that's not what i'm doing. Seen that movie already, hence charting a new course of action. What i'm after is a CFI who is familiar and can train in a Mooney. That's the plan. I'm in implementation phase. I've got the ownership stuff worked out, and am about to buy a plane. What i need is a CFI, hence the inquiry for a CFI.
  6. Actually, i am not yet a new owner. I'm a student pilot intending to be a Mooney pilot and am actively shopping for a plane. (with a couple different ones in the crosshairs) My intentions are to complete my training in my own plane, hence wanting to find a local instructor. (don't want to buy a plane i can't learn to fly. thought of buying a piper as that's what i've been training in. But i dont want a piper i want a Mooney.) Sorta caught in the paradox of which came first? Chicken or Egg? (and not interested in learning to fly a Cessna at a local flight school, at outrageous cost) Thoughts?
  7. How do i get in touch? I'm looking for a Mooney familiar CFI.
  8. Can anyone recommend a reliable A&P in the Fresno area to do a pre-buy inspection? Thanks much.
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