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    1975 M20F
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  1. I received the Engineering bill from Mooney a few days ago, it was $1034 or within a $1 or two, for the engineering document issued through Mooney and approved by the FAA. It is very similar to Grant's pics plus there is a change in a floor support brace from Mooney and the bill for that part was about $75. So as what was mentioned before the price may very depending on what you can purchase the actuator and associated parts for. I would also recommend sending your "new" actuator off to LASAR and have it serviced by them if you choose to do this. The price is $450 for them to inspect it and service it. If it needs other things then you would have to figure that out with them. My A&P and I came to the decision to do this while there was no answer to the gear problem, maybe the solution is good, we'll see. I hope it is for those who chose that route. I like the fact that my gear actuator is very solid and doesn't have issues with finding parts or have to get it inspected every 200 hours incurring more time and money for inspections. If you decide to go the route I did contact support@mooney.com. I'm glad to let you know that the folks at Mooney are working to help the Mooney owners solve some of the issues we have with our airplanes. I'm grateful for Frank and Kevin's support to get this accomplished for my needs and those of our community. Good Luck
  2. Looks good. I got the the accessories from BAS as well.
  3. Yes, it does. Plus there are a few other parts you might need. As I said we are not finished yet but there is hope for those who choose to go this route. I can see the light growing larger at the end of the tunnel.
  4. Well, I sure didn't buy brand new; I bought everything associated with the retract system that could be unbolted, from a K model from BAS in Greeley CO, it was a bit more than $5K delivered but has everything associated electronically and mechanically. Plus pay Mooney for engineering documents and review, plus pay my A&P to install. The install isn't finished yet so there is not a final number at this point.
  5. I know this was touched on briefly by a DER for gears post but not specifically the path I took . My gears were not quite on their last leg but well used as the actuator motor was as well; so my A&P and I asked the engineers at Mooney if it was possible to engineer or draw engineering plans to install the whole electric gear retraction assembly including emergency gear extension from a model J/K or later for my F model. In our thought process this would eliminate the emergency hand crank and clutch, the inevitable gear replacement issue and the frequent inspection requirements of my F model. Similar to a DER this is not a group endeavor because it is based on each model type and is assigned to each aircraft serial number. The FAA had to approve and reissue the emergency extension section my of my specific Operators Manual. But having said that the ground work has been laid for a "better" retract system for our "vintage" Mooneys by Mooney. The process did take a bit of time and of course money, I did purchase a very nice entire gear retraction system out of K model and had to pay for Mooney's time and effort as well. So I'm not sure if this an answer to everyone's issues but I really think it will work well for we Vintage Mooney owners moving forward. I have to thank my A&P and the two gentlemen in Engineering at Mooney that helped us get things moving forward and through the finish line of Mooney and FAA approval. Now it is out with the old and in with the newer system.
  6. Beegles Aircraft Service, BAS, has quite a few in CO. David
  7. I sent my old nose truss along with the other parts listed above to be cores or be rebuilt by LASAR. The first nose truss was a dimension/jig or human error issue. They then sent another to replace it; the second parts was correct but then the email about the paperwork issue(s) was sent. LASAR paid for the parts to be shipped both ways. Sorry, it was a bit confusing.
  8. From what I understand there was a missed signature(s) on documentation and they needed to be inspected so the parts could become "air worthy". I don't know all the details but my parts had to go back be inspected, none were defective, and a new yellow card issued with the parts. It seems to have been a documentation issue.
  9. My A&P and I installed a rebuilt nose truss, pivot truss, NWS control horn and shock link. We found the rebuilt nose truss had a fitment issue while installing it, sent it back got another one, had the parts reassembled and then got the email. Needless to say I was not the most happy person upon opening the email. I sent them a reply email and spoke with Kyle and we have made arrangement for payment for all the time involved. They did pay for all four rebuilt parts to be sent back to them for inspection and new yellow cards for action taken as well as sent back to me second day air after being re inspected. Over all the biggest thing to me is the lost time to finish may F and get it airborne. Kyle and LASAR has been very good to work with and I'm sure at times my tone wasn't great but I really appreciate them doing their best to make it right. We mostly installed all the nose wheel assemblies this past weekend now have to get everything rerigged, again. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  10. I didn't see that any mentioned that LASAR has hardware kits to "rebuild" the nose wheel steering horn for both early, pre '69, and late, '69 and after, models. Both kits run $240. Early part # 720012-503 Late part # 720095-001 They can be found in the Seal & Hardware Kit section of their on line catalog. I'm also looking for the best solution for my '75 F model. I hope this information helps. David
  11. The budget is always a big consideration. Nice to hear someone keeps an eye on it as you have. It would be nice to see a pic or two of what you have accomplished in the mean time. David
  12. It looks like a great start to a very nice design
  13. I have an S-TEC 50 in my F model with GPSS. It was in the airplane when I bought it; it seems to work very well so far, but it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of other auto pilots. Hopefully I didn't just jinx it.
  14. I finally got the registration from the FAA at the end of January. The card stock is very nice, almost worth the wait.
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