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  1. My takeaway here is I should have done my upgrade last year;)
  2. Thanks for the tip Pinecone i checked, and a few have sold in the 2-3k range
  3. I have a working 430W just removed from my panel, listed in the classified section. I was hoping to get 4K for it, but since I had zero interest at that price point I might be too optimistic. I was just curious what folks here think a good price would be. I see listings on eBay asking 4-7k. I doubt now any are selling in that range. I think my target market is the guy whose 430 died, and wants a quick replacement. If your 430 died today how much will you want to spend to replace the 430 with a used unit. At what point do you bite the bullet and upgrade? Thanks for the input Mark
  4. Doing a panel upgrade, and will be replacing the 430W in my M20C. Good working unit, with tray and 2 data cards. No antenna, I’m keeping that. Hoping to get $4000 for it. Thought I would see if any Mooney owners were looking for a replacement before I try eBay. Unit is in the Reno, NV area. Any interest?
  5. Thanks for the pictures Hank. They fit nicely under the doghouse .
  6. Hank Just found this in my search . I was wondering how the 90 degree elbows fit on the top under the dog house covers. Thanks Mark
  7. Wow, would be great if you could part with it. What would you want for it? ( FYI last I checked LASAR was asking about $600 if they had any) Mark
  8. Hi: just saw this post as I search the world for an intake duct for my C model. Has anyone claimed the duct( part 600064) from this one? thanks Mark
  9. Thanks Brad, I’ll give him a visit
  10. Thanks for the info on Carson. The plane is based at RNO Do you have any experience with Aviation Classics at Stead, or Advanced Aviation at RNO?
  11. Thanks, Avionics is also on my list, and I could use a new ELT. Minden is not to far I will check out the airport
  12. Thanks for the reply Yes , I have used Top Gun for annuals when I was based in the Bay Area, and they are good. I have been spoiled by having a great local shop I did not have to ferry to. Hopping to find a similar shop on reno
  13. Thanks for the welcome
  14. Just moved to Reno Nevada and the annual for my M20c is coming up. Looking for any recommendations for a good shop in the area.
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