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Everything posted by BlueMoon

  1. I think I can sell the MVP-50 and it would be a wash from a cost perspective.
  2. @Brian E. why didn’t you integrate the engine instruments into the G3x? We are looking at a similar setup, but we have a MVP-50 in the aircraft already.
  3. We are working to restore a 1970 M20C that has been sitting for several years. The fuel selector screen is shot because there was water sitting in the strainer. We ordered a 10543-1 replacement screen from Aircraft Spruce, but the inner diameter of the screen appears to be too small. The package has both 10543-1 and 10543-2 part numbers on it. Did I get the improper screen or is the new screen a really tight fit?
  4. Thank you. I purchased good a used set of the older style doors from a salvage aircraft based on the parts manual, and didn’t realize the ones on the aircraft was upgraded to the overlapping ones.
  5. I recently purchased a 1962 M20C with some nose gear door damage. It looks like it currently has the “overlapping” doors but the parts catalog shows a different door setup. Can someone tell me what approval was used to install the “overlapping” doors? How much of the linkage differs between the original gear doors and the “overlapping” doors.
  6. I have been trying to get ahold of Lasar for some parts for a few weeks with no response. Unfortunately, It seems I’m not alone.
  7. Thanks for the recommendations. I am looking for the following items: Engine- Currently has O-360-A1D Propeller- Currently 2 Blade Hartzell RH Inboard flap hinge and faring- See pictures Gear Springs Nose Gear Doors If you have any of these items, can you please let me know how much you are asking for them. If you have any other recommendations on where to get these parts please let me know. Steve
  8. Thanks, It already has a fiberglass one piece that isnt damaged beyond repair.
  9. Thanks for the welcome and the recommendation for parts. I am an A&P/IA and have been looking for the right aircraft to upgrade from our economical 150 and it looks like the M20C may be a good option.
  10. This is my first post on the group, so I apologize if this is in the wrong spot. I am considering purchasing a M20C that sustained a gear up landing. Does anyone have a serviceable propeller and/or O-360 available for sale?
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