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  1. Thanks for the reply. I have wanted a J model since they first came out, but nowadays they are much more than I am willing to invest. I am going to jet a F or G. Good luck with yours.
  2. What did you think of the M20c at Placerville?
  3. I stay because of my son and granddaughter, otherwise, I would get the hell out of California. Politics has turned it from a great place into a toilet.
  4. Thanks to all who replied. I am going to try to get the M20C that I have been drooling over.
  5. I am about to put in an offer to purchase a 1966 M20C. I am wondering if my 6'3" son will fit, headroom wise. If it wasn't 300 miles away, I would have him try it on. Can anything be done to provide more headroom if needed, short of removing seat padding?
  6. Thanks to all for the advice.
  7. I am seriously considering purchasing a M20C. Of course, I am going to get checked out, but I was wondering how do we stay out of the 2000-2250 rpm range while in the pattern? Isn't that the rpm range that maintains altitude and pattern speed?
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