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Everything posted by pagirard

  1. When the tail pipe of our 1974 M20E got corroded, I ordered a replacement at https://awi-ami.com/ I went back and forth with Tim over at AWI and he was super helpful to make sure I was ordering the right item: A630056-501 Since then I used them again for one of the exhaust riser that had a crack and can confirm, great company. Hope this helps
  2. I got my commercial in my M20E last Nov and Steep Spirals and Emergency Descend were indeed a point of contention. In the scenario-based checkride, it is very common to start with an issue: "you smell smoke/you see flames on your cowling" and evolve to another scenario later. I put the gear down thinking if I have an engine fire, I might loose my alternator and therefore my electrical gear, but my DPE wanted to see me put the nose down in clean config and try to extinguish the fire with increased airspeed. Make you you discuss this on the ground before you take off for the flight portion. Lastly, be prepared because most steep spirals and emergency descend with be then converted to a power off 180 when you conveniently spiral down abeam the touchdown of an airport......... hope this helps
  3. Hi, I went thru that AD on our last annual and yes we drilled holes in the bushing. I went fancy and used a CNC with 4th axis to drill the holes exactly 90deg out but you can do the same with a good drill press and a vise:
  4. I have CNC machining prototyping capabilities, if you ever need to prototype something let me know. I bought a hitch motor for HF to do the same thing but never build anything, I was trying to move the from tire of the Mooney with a roller, it seems like you chose to have the tire on the ground directly - do you ever loose traction ?
  5. Thanks everyone for your time and the great responses. I have now modified my climb procedure (full rich and full throttle on TO) and starting to lean for 1250degF EGT starting at 5000'. I also adjusted my climb speed to 105kts IAS have a much better CGH and climb performance. Also learned a lot about the prop and prop governor limit ! Thanks a lot everyone.
  6. Hi everyone, I have a question for the Mooney experts here: do you lean in climb ? I fly in Florida, low density altitude most of the time and MSL is almost AGL. I typically lean for taxi (by ear), take off full rich. Climb 25inMP/2500RPM and I start leaning "a bit" every thousand feet starting at 4000ft. I choose my IAS to keep the CHT below 405F, it's usually 105-107kts, when the sky is clear, I also engage the RAM boost air to help with cooling and the additional inch of MP. When I reach my cruise altitude and the plane is configured for cruise: 24inMP/2400 and trimmed. I then go back to full rich and then do a big lean pull to find the peak EGT and try to lean around -10F/-20F LOP while carefully observing the CHTs. My climb performance isn't great so my question is: is it better to leave the mixture full rich in climb and only lean when reaching cruise or leaning as you climb ? Bonus question: how about in places with much higher density altitude, do you ever take off with mixture not full forward? How about the climb ? Thanks in advance for your help. Pierre
  7. Sunair at Leesburg (KLEE) let you rent their seaplane (Husky 2 seats) with 20h dual and 5h solo (and >500h TT) : https://sunairaviation.com/sea-plane They restrict to freshwater only so no Bahamas for sure. hope this helps
  8. I'm reluctant to play with the prop because you definitely need it full forward for go -around.... and most power off 180 are go arounds right now
  9. Very good point and I do see improvements as I practice - especially on the downwind and final. But at the very end I'm either flat because I was slow and I bounce of high/fast and I float past my touchdown point. And I agree things will change drastically with different winds ! So practice , practice, practice !
  10. Yes, I pitch for 80 kias and get between 200 to 250 ft/min with 15deg (TO) flaps
  11. Hi everyone, I started my commercial and as such discovered many wonderful new maneuvers including my least favorite "Power Off 180". I was wondering if any of you had experience getting your commercial rating in a Mooney (I fly a M20E) and could critique/share some tips. My "best" recipe so far has been (assuming no/little winds, setup at traffic pattern altitude and 105 kias on the downwind) 1. Abeam my touchdown point: power off, gear down , 10deg of flaps and one turn of trim up to get 90 kias 2. loose about 100/150 ft, turn base 3. evaluate height and speed, and adjusting flaps to get 80 kias and about 200 ft/min descent rate 4. on final trim for 70 kias and whatever flaps I ended up between 20 and full I usually end up either too low/short of too fast and float past my touchdown point. I read this post about idle speed and I'll definitely check tomorrow because I'm pretty sure I'm idling high in the 800-900 range Thanks for your help and have a great day
  12. Trying to answer all *very good* questions: * Yes the scales were in calibration and certified * The W&B stated that the aircraft was weighted per Mooney IAW TCDS 2A3 Rev:58 and Mooney M20 Series Service and Maintenance Manual rev:July 1980 * The 2015 W&B was done by calculation and I'm digging thru the logbooks to find the last *measured* W&B - if any * The repair station what prepare the plane for the W&B did empty the tanks (main and aux) down to unusable level and kept the oil. * The repair station went thru every wires and tubes and removed all the unnecessary wires and tubes from the old systems * We did remove the old seats fabric and re-upholster the seats and the interior with leather - I didn't this to weight the seats&panels before/after (facepalm) Thanks all for your suggestions I'm going to dig into these logs & records to find the last *real* W&B
  13. Actually weighting with 3 wireless cells
  14. Hi all, our '74 Mooney just went thru a major panel overhaul and we disposed of vacuum pump, all steam gauges, the original Mooney positive control system. I was hoping we would reduce the basic empty weight but unfortunately we went the other way around: Jun-15 Apr-23 Delta Basic Empty Weight 1651.15 1733 81.85 CG 45.9 44.8 -1.1 Moment 75788.91 77631.75 1842.84 Granted the last W&B was done back in 2015 but I wasn't expecting such a delta and also an unfavorable shift in the CG. Have you ever experienced a similar issue ? Should we consider re-doing the W&B ? Help much appreciated
  15. I was also very surprised, my A&P told me to drill a small 0.121’’ size hole on the side of the yoke to fish all 6 wires going to the hat (ptt, trim up, trim down, ap disc, power and gnd) and to my surprise they all fit ! inside the hat I machined a channel to go from one side to the other in order to have no wires running on the left side (outside) of the yoke where the hand rests.
  16. We had restriction in the placement of the avionics in the panel due to the central roll cage frame tube that split in a V and restrict the max depth of the device around the center of the panel. In essence we could only put "short" devices in the top center - so GFC500 panel was the best option. As it turns out, in bumpy condition, you can rest your fingers on the glare shield and have positive control of the autopilot inputs
  17. I'm a mechanical engineer turned electrical engineer by trade but woodworking, CNC machining, composite fabrication are just another time consuming hobbies - I built a shop and acquired over the years a large collection of tools.
  18. We did - got a quote from Mooney for 2 brand new Yokes for 8k$. Yokes in the 78-late 90 are basically un-obtainium and you run the risk of shaft incompatibility
  19. Hi all, we finally completed the panel upgrade of our '74 M20E I asked many moons ago your wise advise on panel upgrade suggestions in this post ( Fast forward 6 months and the upgrade is done, the plane flies beautifully and I'd like to share some details you may find interesting. To recap we went from a steam gauges + 430W&530W to a complete glass panel G3Xt, GTN750Xi, G5, GFC500 and a second NAV Mandatory pictures: Before During (the one you never show to your spouse) After (no Yokes but instruments on) Here are a few things you may find interesting: * The integration of the new autopilot switches into the yoke was not trivial. We worked with our A&P for solutions and settle on a custom made yoke "hat" that is minimally intrusive to the original yoke. After making several 3D printed prototypes in ABS to perfectly capture the outside shape of the original yoke, I machined in 6061 aluminum the part that slides on the hole left by the original vacuum button: The Hat is held in place with one screw and a custom machined plate where the original vacuum button was located. The hat houses the PTT, AP Disc & Trim switches and the wires are routed on the side of the yoke and later on leather wrapped, the Hat is powder coated. We removed the clock in the center so I machined a custom plate with the Mooney logo and it hosts the push to voice command switch for the GTN750: There is a baby version for the co-pilot side since we only have to house the PTT: If you are interested and would like more details, feel free to contact me. * The new panel is now one piece and the solid state instruments have much less depth than the vacuum based one, so we took that opportunity to "push" the panel forward and gain a bit of cabin space. But that required a modification of the glare shield. So again working with our A&P we CNC'd a foam mold with the exact front profile of the panel and the best guess of the back profile from the plane and molded a 4 ply carbon fiber glare shield * I've 3D printed a few gizmos for the plane since we got it (like a removable fuel tab or a mount for the Bose headsets control) using ABS for strength and longevity but only after we contemplated using a 3D printed housing for the compass did I learn that you can buy flame retardant ABS filament. I have then reprinted everything going in the plane with this filament. I tested it and it truly is self extinguishing. If you are interested here is a link https://www.3dxtech.com/product/firewire-flame-retardant-abs/ * I had to paint some access panels a touch up on the cowling after a small fiberglass repair. I can honestly say I wasn't prepared for the rabbit hole of aircraft paint. Tracking down the paint used, finding a small batch and painfully learning what you are missing (primer, top coat, accelerator, part B,...) at every order was ... difficult ! * We re-upholstered the seats with the same 2 tone leather scheme we used for the cockpit, the yokes and the glareshield: Summary: It was quite a process but we couldn't be happier with the result. Feels like a brand new plane, ready for new adventures ! I learned a lot about the systems during the panel upgrade and the annual and I want to thank this community for the support in selecting the avionics.
  20. Yes, we will be selling the avionics, several people already interested in the 530w and 430w but you can PM me for the Accutrack
  21. We are going for G3xt, GTN750xi, G5 backup, GFC500 and 2 navs with GNC55A, GMA254A so 1 certified WAAS GPS, one VFR GPS and 2 NAVs radios We just brought the plane to the shop and it was teared down in short order, with vacuum pump and old avionics removed already, now the patience game start ...:)
  22. I apologize for the confusion, I'm the one who resurrected it to thank everyone for their contributions in helping us decide on our new panel. It took over 6 months to get the parts but the job finally started !
  23. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who helped with this decision and letting you guys know that the work has finally started !
  24. Guilty as charged - home airport is in Central Florida so high humidity all the time. it looks like in temp > 70degC https://chemiday.com/en/reaction/3-1-0-9647 I'll look if either the lead(II) hydroxide-bromide or hydrogen bromide are corrosive to a Stainless Steel 312 Of course the big unknown for me if the condition the tail pipe was when we purchased the plane, it could have very well been corroded and we didn't notice. Pierre
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