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    Hunting (waterfowl/big game), snow sports, construction, green design, golf, football, softball, rain.
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  • Model
    M20M GX
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  1. He’s in Mt. Home, I’m in Boise. These pics were in Las Vegas haha.
  2. Hey All, Formally 503Guy, moved to ID fully so figured it was time for a name change. Picked up N18GX yesterday from Jimmy G - super stoked to be back in the air! Jimmy is a class act and the transaction was a breeze; shouts out GMax. Holler if you see me around!
  3. 1979 M20K 231 FS here. Located in Boise ID area. PM me for email.
  4. mission success!
  5. There is going to be a fly-in at Mountain Home Muni (U76) in Idaho this Saturday, 5/13, 8a-noon. First annual. If you’re in the PNW and have nothing to do Sat, come on by!! Non Mooney-specific. Sorry for the late notice! -T
  6. @oregon87 my mistake, I did not know you were affiliated with EI. but yes, I am planning on attending the AirVenture show!! First time so I am amped.
  7. saw that one, but I think I'll wait for the larger OSH discount!!
  8. @Bryan G my dude! thank you for looking that up and for the pirep. i only found a 1500 rebate. 2k is definitely worth waiting.
  9. Hey gang, Planning on getting a MVP-50P for the 231 soon. Has anyone bought avionics from Osh, and can you provide a rough % of savings? There are some rebates currently online, but I'm wondering how much bigger the OSH discounts would be... ~T
  10. Update: bought a 231 and will forgo FIKI until I step into a multi. 231BV.
  11. couldnt have said it better, totally concur. thanks @donkaye!!
  12. f it. i’m getting a bravo lol.
  13. Thanks all for your input. Jimmy has a J-MSE with the M20Turbos normalizer and TKS for 190, a 231 with intercooler/wastegate/great avionics but with 6600 total time for 150, and another 231 with 1250 SMOH with okay avionics for 130... Leaning towards the TKS, decisions decisions....
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