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Posts posted by Bigdaddie

  1. 27 minutes ago, PeteMc said:

    I'm no avionics expert, but it sure sounds like something is configured or wired wrong.  Or maybe there's a mode you need to switch on the GI275.  If it is a true backup, I totally agree that if you loose the G500 or for whatever reason the GI275 goes into its stand-alone mode, it should be running off its own magnetometers. 

    Except for GPS data, mine is a separate instrument, not connected to anything else.  So it's interesting that if it meets the requirements of a "Backup" it was wired where another device can be interfere with its functionality/integrity. 

    That's my thought also.  Shop said they talked to Garmin and the setup was correct and my other option was to install a second magnetometer.  I understand that there's always the compass, but who knows how to fly off those things these days?  Especially in an no s**t emergency and you're down to that one 275 on battery power, I don't need to be trying to scan up to the compass to fly simple headings.

  2. What did you find out about the magnatrometer installation?  I just got my airplane back from the avionics shop last month. I have 2x G500txi + a GI-275 for backup and one magnatrometer. What concerns me is that the G500 powers the magnatrometer, so when in reversionary or standby mode, the backup GI-275 has no heading information. It seems to me that the GI-275 should be primary driver for heading and transmit that info to the G500s.  But, I guess the GI-275 could fail just as much as the G500. To me, heading information should be always available from the standby instrument, even on battery power.

  3. On 6/15/2024 at 6:09 PM, Falcon Man said:

    I frequently climbed in my 231 LB to the high teens as my field elevation is 5,300 ft and I flew over the Sierras on most of my flights. To keep the CHT's close to 350F I had to open the cowl flaps all the way and set FF to ~ <1500 TIT and keep the climb rate ~ 500 fpm. Cylinder # 3 was always the hottest until we modified the cylinder baffles. On occasion I would fly out of Palm Springs and the climb rate was pretty low to keep CHT's good until I got into the cooler air.

    I also have the #3 cylinder problem.  What is the baffle modification?

  4. 11 minutes ago, hubcap said:

    Mine was replaced with the Garmin switch during my panel upgrade. If it is in the box with the rest of my assorted left-overs I will be glad to give it to somebone who needs it. I have the entire King 200 including servos.

    I also have a complete KFC200 system (well it's at the avionics shop with the rest of the airplane).  We installed a Cygnet electric trim switch with the avionics upgrade.  Let me know if you can't find one.

  5. On 4/7/2024 at 5:53 PM, William Munney said:

    This what I was taught and have used my entire career.  Nearly every airline does it this way.

    In most airliners (Airbus is a different animal) our company uses half the steady state and all the gust up to 15kts.  15kts is a lot in a Mooney.  I like the previous reference to Richard Collins; I'll have to check that out.  Landing any airplane is easy using the following technique:  minimum rate of decent at touchdown.  No, I'm just being a smart a**. 

  6. I think I have more hours on my starter motor than on the engine.  IF you miss that first kick at a hot start, let the games begin.  I do all the tricks like run the fuel pump for 30 sec, etc.  The ONLY trick that works every time is to flood it and do the old full throttle and mixture cut-off start.

    I hope that the SureFly with the extra spark energy will help.  Unfortunately, or fortunately, I have brand new mags complements of Kelly Aerospace.  They had 300hrs but failed inspection, so kudos to Kelly for stepping up and replacing for free out of warranty.

    I just wish someone like e-mag would get an STC with a fully self-contained solution.  But for now, SureFly looks like a great product.

    Let me know how they perform. 

  7. 16 minutes ago, EricJ said:

    I do like having it in your easy field of view just so it's super easy to get a visual check on final, but, as long as it meets Part 23 criteria (which I don't know why it wouldn't), I don't know why you couldn't move it to suit you.

    In airliners or GA airplanes, I rarely check the position of the landing gear handle on final.  It's usually a check of the gear indication (annunciator and floor indication on the Mooney) and that's it.  BUT, I do like your idea of checking the gear handle in addition of the other two.  I have yet to gear up land....... Y E T...... 

    • Like 2
  8. I should have given more information about this.  We are looking at moving the switch, retaining the factory switch, override and wiring, from the top of the panel to probably left of the throttle.  Numerous manufacturers place the gear handle here.  It is WAY far away from the flap switch (these are not Bonanzas!).

    The IA I spoke with is a well respected Mooney guy, but he has his strong opinions.  The Mooney service center where I have my annuals done did not think it would be an issue.

    It would suck to have to make a new panel over this issue.


  9. We are filling our panel with lots of $$$$.  Space is precious.  We are thinking of moving the gear switch so as to provide space for those pretty TV screens.

    Has anyone done this and have you had any pushback from an IA saying you can't modify the gear switch?


  10. On 9/21/2023 at 4:02 PM, Crawfish said:

    Hello all!

         I have had my offer accepted on a 1979 231, with a LB engine no intercooler or Merlyn. Would someone share a PDF of their POH and MX manual if they have it? I want to start studying the POH before we pick up the plane. (assuming I still like it after the prebuy)

    I searched the downloads for both and could not find a 231 model one. Parts catalog yes, 252 mx manual yes but not the 231 POH. 


    Thank you, 

       Austin MOONEY M20K POH.pdf

    Here's a 231 POH.

    • Like 2
  11. On 10/9/2023 at 2:40 PM, hubcap said:

    My K model is a 231 and has the Turbo Plus intercooler and the Merlyn Black Magic. I have found that 15k - 19k is really the sweet spot for optimum speed and fuel consumption. I typically file for 155kts at 15k and 165kts at 18k-19k. Those speeds are running LOP at ~65% power. I typically run about 30" MP and 2400 RPM.

    Hopefully @jlunseth  will come along and comment as he is far more experienced and knowledgeable than I am with the 231.

    These are almost identical to the numbers I get.  I also use about 30" and 2400RPM LOP with FF being in the 9.5-10 GPH range.

    • Like 1
  12. So, the question is replace or do not replace?  My spring has 2,000hrs on it.  Is it worthwhile to replace it or just continue with a known good part?  I hate doing preventative maintenance on an item that may create a problem.  Any time you open up a system, be it cleaning fuel injectors or landing gear, you create a potential problem by doing maintenance on an item that worked perfectly.  Any thoughts?

  13. I've been having problems with the right bank cylinders running hot.  The right cowl flap was tightly closed and took about 1" of ajustment on the rod to get 1/2" open.  I adjusted the cowl flaps to 1/2" open and well see what I get.  I'll report back after flying.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Fly Boomer said:

    How long did you have to wait to get it in?

    Well, I made the deposit almost a year ago with a target date of October 2022.  The Landon’s (Jeff, Kerry and the kids) are awesome people.  The delay was due to me in part.  I was willing to wait until they had the equipment in hand and had a spot for my airplane.  I have a June 12th date “set in concrete.”

    Jeff has been great in keeping my old panel going by swapping one of his ADI and Nav radios into my plane at no cost.  Lancaster is only about an hour’s flight away, which is nice.  I’m also based in Los Angeles for Delta so I can stop by and “help” them on my drive home to the central valley.

    Dick Rutan and I think the SpaceShipOne program used them as they are close to Mojave.  Dick responded to my email and vouched for the high quality of Jeff’s work.

    Bottom line is avionics shops are swamped.  I got quotes from as far away as Florida but most of the shops made me feel like they were doing me a favor to possibly take $120k of my money.  I’ve never felt this way at High Desert.

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