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  1. Thanks to all for the conversation. I did this very, very simple mod to the airplane to avoid any 337 paperwork (or other) and to not have to ma5ch paint on my new paint job. This mod simply adds the potential of another egress option (however difficult). Each controlled or not controlled off-field landing situation is different and could happen quickly from a very low altitude. Propping the main door could be a good idea but maybe not possible for many reasons. Propping open the main door could also weaken the cabin structure impact capability too. I’m not saying don’t prop it open but again, each situation is different and this simple second egress option gives me peace of mind.
  2. I’ve been meaning to post this for awhile. I have a 77 J model with the earlier style baggage door latch. I didn’t like the thought that there was only one exit from the cabin in case of an emergency. I also noticed on later models Mooney added the interior emergency exit latch on the baggage door. Initially I thought I would add that latch to my door but when I researched further, it turns out the door latch is completely different on the newer doors with the interior mechanism. You could probably swap to a newer door with the new latch but that route has its own challenges with door fitting and repaint matching. I devised a simple design that is a minor modification to the inside plastic panel of the baggage door. I simply cut a hole in the panel in the area of the door pin latch mechanism center crank link. The link has two nuts that attach to each door pin rod-end. I made a simple handle that engages these nuts, and I attached it with a lanyard to the inside of the door. I finished the mod off with a cover for the hole (felcro’d on), a placard explaining the operation, and a piece of Velcro to hold the handle. It’s not an easy egress, but better than nothing…. Pictures showing this are attached.
  3. I found this advertisement on Barnstormers. Does anybody have any experience with Crossfire Magneto Service? Here's the link: https://www.crossfiremagneto.com/
  4. I bought the kit from a seller on EBay. See this link: https://www.ebay.com/str/planepartsinc?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=it5ulU3NQdu&sssrc=3418065&ssuid=o3zT3KMCTMq&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  5. Martin do you have the Dukes style gascolator that’s combined with the fuel selector? If so, that’s what I have. I recently replaced the seals on my gascolator. I bought The seal for the bowl bolt. It’s from Parker Hannifin p/n 600-0101-10. It worked perfectly. Gerald
  6. Not sure, considering this as a backup. Did you sell it?
  7. gtprend


    1977 M20J
  8. My many thanks to Norm and Gretchen for offering to sell the plane to us. I’ve been dreaming of Mooney ownership for awhile now, so I’m still pinching myself in disbelief when I fly the plane, but loving l every minute of it. Norm made N201JX into one of the nicest 77 J Models out there, and I plan to keep it that way and make it even better. As yet I haven’t flown my wife in 1JX, but I know she is going to be really thrilled. Thanks for the MS welcome.
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